Once upon a time there was this family living out in the tundra, that relied on the sea for food. One day the man went out seal hunting and he came upon an empty boat. He was so curious about why people left it empty, that he decided to go near the boat to see if anybody was lying down in the boat. As he got closer to the boat it started to sink. So he stopped for a while. Suddenly four seals jumpe4 out of the boat and he threw his spear at them. He was lucky and got all four of them and pulled them into the boat. When he got them into the boat the seals changed into humans who told him that he would have good luck from now until he died, and when he died the luck would pass on to his son. After he had heard what they had told him, he was lucky hunting seals again and he went home with a lot of seals, and he and his family lived happily ever after.
Akatamani, ukut iilat uillkumi uiitaggluteng, imarpiuggtarneng tauggam neqineng netugluteng. Ataucig irrnerme una aunung qamiirarluni imaitelraimeng angyarmeng tikiiluni, ullaggluki-llu makssikanerluni tauna anung unllunginaqnarluni, tuall tauii taqlluni tauani, tuall sstamarneng mukluggneng pilluni taunmeng aunyarmeng, taukut muklut cimirluteng-llu yuggneung, taua-ll taukuk yuut kangnertut pircikcinqercikuk tamallkuan iullni, tauall tukuqkan kitungria piqkercikenrai tuggcikqaq. Tauuakinreni amllirneng neqneng negetuluteng, quyaluteng-llu pitnertuluteng-llu. Tauuaii
Story By
Louisa Aguchak 87
(Lazy Lou Ann)