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Danger Out There by Bruno Kasayuli, Sr.:Danger Out There
During the spring time we always go seal hunting down at the ocean. But it is always dangerous when there is a lot of ice, and when high tide comes to shore the ice comes with it and that is why we go up on land very quickly. Also during the winter time when there is a lot of ice it is dangerous to go seal hunting. When the tide comes up the ice on the mud begins to float. That is why we need to shove the ice away from the boat in order to make a path. During the spring time we always hunt for bearded seals, harbor seals, and spotted seals. Whenever we see a whale, that is, if there are any around we catch them, too. Also during the winter time we try to catch bearded seals, spotted seals, harbor seals, and whatever we see in the ocean. Also during the summer time we go out to the ocean for clam digging when the tide gets low. When it is really calm and there are no waves it is a lot of fun traveling out, but when it gets really windy the water gets terribly choppy real fast. Waves are like, if you put water in a coffee can and let it stay put it will stay calm. But if you take the can and shake it the water will start getting choppy inside. That is how the ocean will get because we've seen it before and that's why we don't go out on the ocean when it's wavey. When it is windy out on the ocean it is not safe to be out there.
Upnerkami mai qamiiratukut imarpigmun ungavet. Taugaam alingaqluni cikuliiraakami uunaani kiteqvani wiitayunaunani. Ulaqan tagtuluni cikuq kelutmun. Tagaqluta cikuliarakan tamaa. Cali uksuami cal cikuyuraakami alingnaqluni qamiirallek. Ulaqan marrai-am cikua puggtegteraami eglergaakami canuraqluku mana cikuq. Upnerkami pissurakluta maklagnek nayirnek issuurinek-llu. Cetuanek-llu tangraqamta pitangqerkan tamaakunek piaqluta. Uksuagmi-llu maklagnek issuurinek nayirnek-llu canek wa tangllemtenek imarpigmi pitengnaqaqluta. Cali kiagmi imarpigmun unaani entaqan qapilarcurluta ungavet imarpigmun aiyagluta. Quuniraakami cali anglanaqluni eglerrtellek taui kailuigpegnani taugaam anuukengaaqami egmian meq qailingevvkatua. Waten pankautellertun mermek imiikuvgu wiitaurceskuvgu quunircikuq. Taugaam teguuluku mengliikun angaalaskuvni qairvarluni ilua. Tuaten pankaucetun aiyuqluni imarpik. Wangnigua tangvallemtni aiyuqetuk. Waten angaalatellrani qairvarluni wiitayunaunani pankautem iluani. Imarpigmi cali tuaten anuqvarakami mermicunaunani. By Bruno Kasayuli, Sr.
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