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A Seal Hunt by Matilda Kasayuli:A Seal Hunt On October 12, at about 9:00 in the morning my dad and I went out to the ocean to go seal hunting. Just when we got to the mouth of the ocean we saw a big beard-ed seal. We chased it for quite a while. Finally my dad shot it but before he could harpoon it the seal sank. We went out further and look-ed around for other seals. We looked and looked but we didn't see anything. Finally we saw a spotted seal rafting on a log. We drove towards it but it got frightened and slid off the log into the water. My dad shot it though and harpooned it. We were really happy then. Then we went to Smith Point to pick some grass. We stayed there for quite a while, then we went northward to go seal hunting again. Out on the ocean we met up with some other people who were chasing a spotted seal. So we decided to join the hunt. But we got tired of chasing it so we moved to a different place. Then we saw two spotted seals swimming together. We started chasing them, but in a little while we got tired so we decided to go home because it was getting late. Qamiiraq
Qaritarmi qula-malrullrani ata-ka wiillu qulngunritallrani imar-pigmun aiyallrukuk. Iteryagam qaingani kitellemtni maklanek tangellruukut. Tua-llu malirqumaaluku-llu. Nutegyaq-liqluku taugaam narullkarpailraku tauna maklak kitellruuq. Tua-llu yaqsigiinarluta kiag-qerluta piciatun maklanek. Kiag-kumauluta taugaam maklanek tang-ellrunritukut. Tua-llu tanger-lluta issuurinek puggtauralrianek murraram akiani. Paqlukuam aliingallagceslluku muraagamek atrartuq. Nuteglluku-llu naruull-karlluku-llu. Quyapagluta. Tua-llu iqalluami aiyagluta tapernassurluta. Wiitamauqell-riakut tamaani tua-llu aiyagluta neqetmun piciatun maklanek kiag-qerluta. Pairlluta allaanek yugnek issuurinek-llu malirqell-iiniut-llu. Ilakluki-llu yuut nutegyallrukut. Taugaam aiyall-ruukut allaamun merpigmun mernu-llemtni. Tua-llu malrurnek issuurinek kuimartuk aipaqlutek tangqerluta. Malirqerluki-llu. Qakuani uter-cungarlluta mernuamta unuukutaan-llu. Taillemtni quukataarallrukut yaqsigngan-llu tekiilluta. ByMatilda Kasayuli | |