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Herman's Summer:Herman's Summer
This past summer my dad did a lot of things. The first thing he did was collect fish with Alvin Owletuck in the Kimberly Ann. They had to make sure all the engines were working and then prepare for the trip. But this year's tendering was not so exciting because something went wrong with the engines and they couldn't go out collecting fish anymore. So they ordered new engine parts so they would have them for the next fishing season. On his own time Herman caught fish so that his wife could cut them, and he got some smoke wood so the fish could be smoked. He also got his wood for the maqi (steam house) because he can't miss his daily steam. I don't know why, but he just can't. Every day he'd take a steam with his maqi buddies, and use up a lot of wood! But that wasn't a bother because the summer was hot. I honestly can't see how they stood the heat! My dad also went camping and hunting with his friends. They hunted for ducks and geese and recently brought home a moose.
By: Herman George
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