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Three Black Bears:Three Black
"Clem, Teresa, Julia, Travis, Aaron, Bubb and I went to pick blue berries in Willow," Vivian began. "On our way back to the boat we stopped to eat dried fish. We watched a black bear eat blue berries for two hours. Aaron, Travis and Bubb were being loud so we told them to be quiet. But the black bear ran off before we started to walk to the boat." "After crossing the creek, we decided to sit down and take a rest. Teresa, Clem, Julia and I began telling stories while Bubb, Travis and Aaron were playing in the tundra and laughing. We told them to be quiet. All of a sudden a black bear popped up and was watching the boys play. We told the kids not to run, cry or panic because the bear was too close. We hollered at the top of our lungs but the bear did not take its eyes off the kids. Clem shot at it once and then it took off into the trees."
"As we were walking back to the boat yet another black bear popped up behind us. Clem shot at it too and it ran into the trees. After getting back to the boat we saw tracks by the boat and anchor which weren't there when we first landed." "Altogether we saw a total of three black bears. The biggest black bear was the farthest one away. It was the closest encounter with a bear that I ever had." By: Vivian Teganlakla | |