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Fire fighting with Frank Amouak and Wesley Pitka First Fire:"Fire fighting with Frank Amouak and
Wesley Pitka"
The first fire they fought was between Stebbins and Kotilk. They spent 2 and a half days running around the tundra and blowing out the hot spots. The fires were 8 miles long and 2 miles wide. They used helicopters to bring the fire fighters to the fire and back to their Campgrounds. They had fun riding with the helicopters. The food they ate was called MRE's. MRE's are Meals Ready To Eat. There were three crews that went to fight the fires. The crews were Marshall, Pilot Station and Stebbins. There was a fourth crew that went but they didn't need them so they sent them back home. The Marshall crew had 16 people. There were Alvin Owletuck Sr., crew boss, Wesley Pitka, crew boss trainee and squad boss, Frank Amouak, squad boss and James One,squad boss. The rest were fire fighters, Art Fitka, Willie Andrew, John Andrew, Roberta Fitka, Debbie Evan, Nick Boots, Tony Boliver, Alan Boliver, David Evan, Tom Soolook, Patrick Coffee and Tom Papp. When they got home they started commercial fishing. But they missed the last opening of the season.
The End!! Interviewed By: | |