Emotional Responds positively to comfort and satisfaction; negatively to pain. Is comforted by cuddling and being swaddled in blanket.
Social May seem to smile at face or voice. May recognize parent's voice. Is comforted by human face.
Emotional Is able to show distress, excitement, contentment, and delight. Can queit self by sucking.
Social Smiles spontaneously and fleetingly to sensory stimulation from parent. Looks at person alertly and directly. Quiets in response to being held, seeing human face, or hearing voice. Shows affection by looking at person while kicking, waving arms, and smiling. May "perform" to get attention.
Emotional Shows feelings of security when parent holds and talks to him or her. Senses that hands and feet are extensions of self. Whimpers when hungry, chortles when content.
Social Communicates with different sounds and facial expressions. Smiles spontaneously when parent plays with him or her. Responds with total body to familiar face. May stop or start crying according to whoever holds him or her. Tries to attract the attention of parent.
Emotional May form an early attachment to one special object. (Feels secure enough to extend interest beyond self.) Still depends on positive stimulation for feelings of security. Responds to continued warmth and affection.
Social Shows increased pleasure in social interactions. Responds to and enjoys being handled and cuddled. May babble or make sounds to imitate socializing. Enjoys social aspect of feeding times. Becomes more sensitive to strangers. Becomes unresponsive if left alone most of waking hours.
Emotional Senses self as being separate from parent. May show fearful behavior as separateness is felt. Distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults. Shows fear, disgust, anger. Enjoys learning new activities. Builds trust when cries are answered; becomes anxious in demanding when cries are unanswered.
Social Smiles and babbles to initiate social contact. May be able to play peek-a-boo game. Shows anticipation when near people, especially parents.
Emotional Senses that adults are different from children; enjoys playing with children. Responds to affection and may initiate signs of affection. Likes attention and may cry to get it. May begin clinging to primary caregiver. Calls parents for help; trusts them to respond.
Social Laughs when socializing. Enjoys playing cooperative games with parents and siblings. Smiles at familiar faces and stares solemnly at strangers. Desires constant attention from parent.
Emotional May show more dependence on parents for security. May fear performing some familiar activities. Has increased drive for independence but senses frightening situations.
Social Shows desire to be included in social interactions. May be responsive to other persons, but is clearly attached to parent. Thoroughly enjoys company of siblings. Begins to develop sense of humor; teases.
Emotional Exhibits fear of strangers. May develop separation anxiety thus needing constant reassurance of parent's presence. Wants to be held by parent when with strangers. May anticipate being left and, if so, becomes disturbed. Values quick display of support and love from parent. Likes to explore new spaces, but wants to be able to return to parent. Enjoys playing with own image in mirror.
Social Definitely prefers parents to strangers. Is more aware of social approval and disapproval from family members. May cling to parent if taken to a strange place. Sustains interest in play, especially when playing with family member.
Emotional May show fear of heights; may be afraid to crawl down from chair. May show fear of new sounds, such as vacuum cleaner. Needs appropriate comfort and reinforcement during this stage. May begin to protect self and possessions.
Social Shows interest in play activities of others. Likes to play games like pat-a-cake with siblings. Definitely prefers certain people to others; family members are favorites. Recognizes the social nature of mealtimes. May be more sensitive to other children.
Emotional Cries less often. Shows emotions in other, more specific ways. Expresses delight, happiness, sadness, discomfort, and anger. May be able to show symbolic thought by giving love to stuffed toy.
Social Is more aware of and sensitive toward other children. Likes to play with siblings and understands object permanence, knowing that "lost" objects may reappear. Enjoys music and may mimic movements others make to music. Likes to perform for family audiences; may repeat acts if applauded. Will not show off in unfamiliar surroundings.
Emotional May not always want to be cooperative. Recognizes difference between being good and being naughty. May say "no" while shaking head, but will continue to do forbidden deed.
Social Seeks approval and tries to avoid disapproval. Imitates movements of other children and adults. Likes to say "no" and shake head to get the response from a parent. Tests parents to determine limits. Objects to having his or her enjoyable play stopped.
Emotional Senses consequences of new mobility and may have renewed fears. May reveal an inner determination to walk. Begins to develop self-identity and independence. Expresses many emotions and recognizes emotions exhibited by others. Shows increased negativsm.
Social Is able to play games with understanding. Enjoys playing with siblings. May react sharply to being separated from primary caregiver, but may understand the separation is temporary. Likes to practice communication with adults. Continues to test parental limits.