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The Raven Creature - Original Student Folktales:The Raven
A long time a ago there was a Raven who flew round and round in the sky until finally he landed on the ground. He started looking around and making a croaking sound. In his own language he was saying he was so bored he had decided to make something new. He then took some sticks and made them into a person. After he was done he took some mud and started rapping the sticks with mud. When he was done with that he took some grass and stuck it on the head. It looked too long so he made the grass shorter. When the Raven was finished, he stood the body up on the ground and flew away into the sky. Later when the Raven went to check on his creation it was gone. He searched around for it everywhere until finally he found his human being. And was he big! Raven freaked out when he saw how big he was. Since he created this human, Raven decided he should talk to him about what was bad and what was good. After he was done talking to the man he said he would be back tomorrow and flew away into the sky. The next day when Raven came back he found the man cold and hungry. So he made many male and female moose. And he taught the man how to make bows and arrows, spears, nets, fish traps, clothes, and many other useful things, so the man could survive. After this was done he flew off into the sky. The next morning Raven came down again. This time while he was with the man he made more animals. He told the man what animals were good and bad to eat, how to survive on his own and how to make shelter. Before the Raven took off for the final time he made the man a woman so the man wouldn't be bored. This woman could cook and make clothes for him during the winter and always keep him company. Then the Raven took off and never came back again. Tanya Peter | |