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Jeff White:Jeff White
Video Rental Owner
Jeff White owns a video rental here In Marshall. In this occupation he is self employed. Some of the things he needs to keep track of is who owes money, counting the cash, and who gets what movie. You really don't need an education for this occupation, but it would help. Most of the time Jeff is home running his business. He works according to the hours he's set for himself which are two to eleven P.M. and on weekends from two to twelve midnight. He expects to run this business for a long time with his wife Lucille A. White. His responsibilities are to always be there so he wouldn't lose any customers, to count money, keep track of who owes money, and who gets what movie. He makes approximately $500.00 to $600.00 a month. The best thing about Jeff s job is helping and talking to customers. He doesn't dislike anything about his business since it is pretty easy to run.
Ben Peteroff | |