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Angeline Coffee:Cook
Angeline Coffee
Angeline is a cook here in Marshall school. She is employed by the LYSD, and got her training before she was hired. Now she spends about six hours in the kitchen every weekday cooking for us hungry students. Angeline expects to be working as a cook in the school until she retires. Roger Adams, the principal, is Angeline's boss. She mainly works with Gloria Fitka, the other cook. She and Gloria have four main job responsibilities, which are: to order enough food, cook enough food, clean the kitchen, and be on time for work. Angeline doesn't like it when her assistant doesn't come to work because she has to work a lot harder, since the substitute doesn't always know what to do or works more slowly. Angeline is one of the people working in the school who is really favored by the students.
BY: Ben Peteroff | |