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Barely Able to Stand:Barely Able to
"Last week (Sept. 1998) we went camping to 12 Mile Slough, way above Russian Mission. There was me, my husband Frank, Smaller, Patrick and Jonathan. All we saw was a cow moose. Everyday, no bull moose. On the third day, we went to the meadow, and as we were going really slowly, I saw a moose. It looked like it was stuck in the ground and couldn't get upright. It was either an old lady moose, sick or wounded. We watched it go up the beach, barely able to stand, staggering up to the trees. The next day, we went to the same place, the wounded moose was on the other side of the meadow and another cow moose came out. She stared stared at us for a long time, then walked back into the trees. That was the last moose we saw. We tried calling with our moose caller, but no moose came out. It was so much fun to see a moose, and that's why it was a very exciting trip for me."
As told to: Jolene
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