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Some Big Fish/Great Fishing in Kwik:Some Big Fish
"My biggest fish was caught in the fall time, many years ago. When we would manaq we would see the fish at the bottom, swimming around. After manaqing a while in Kayakutuk, I felt a pull on the stick. I was really excited and pulled it out of the hole. It was a pike and was really heavy to pull out of the hole, and I had a hard time. It was about three feet tall and weighed over 50 pounds. I caught many other big fish but this fish was the biggest I ever caught!" Kathy Peteroff
Great Fishing in Kwik
"In 1948 I went with my parents to Kwik to do some ice fishing. We camped overnight and caught a lot of fish. The biggest fish I caught while I was there, and in my life, was a 74 inch Shee fish. I had a hard time pulling the fish in, but when I finally did it I felt very happy and proud of myself." Frank Amouak | |