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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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School News

5th and 6th Grades

First of all, we would like to welcome our new student, Michael Pitka, to our class and to Marshall.

March has been a busy month for all of us, with the annual dog races and tournaments in Marshall and the surrounding villages. We have managed to keep most of our concentration in class by doing a project in social studies and science. In social studies, we are studying the countries of the world. We have read and answered questions on Africa, Morocco, Canada and Australia. We also drew the flags and a map.

In science, we are studying the human body, and we also drew life-size outlines of ourselves. Now we are labeling the important parts and functions of the human body.

We have been working on units of measurement and multiplication in math.

In English, we are exploring with fast writing to get ideas flowing for future papers.

Since spring has decided to arrive early, we wish all of you a happy and very safe spring.

Flora Evan

Richard's Classes

The Junior High class is currently studying about southern Europe in Geography, and in Language Arts they are practicing their composition skills,

The High School Shop class is engaged in a variety of projects, such as making benches, stools, shelves, and towel racks. The school shop has acquired a variety of new hand and power tools which enable the students to more effectively complete their work.

Richard Olson

Guy's Classes

Much of our regular program has been put on hold recently because of our students that are involved with the basketball tournament.

The algebra students are studying simplification of exponential expressions. The geometry students are solving problems dealing with inequalities in triangles.

The physical science class is doing activities with light and lenses, specifically with real and virtual images.

The human biology and health class is dealing with projects centered around non-communicable diseases.

In their arithmetic classes the 7th and 8th graders are doing problems with scale drawings and solving proportions.

Guy Sandlin

Frank's Crazy Classes

In American History, we've been studying President FDR's New Deal and World War II. I wish more people would do their homework.

Earth Science has been examining a lot of rocks lately and doing a few "rocky" experiments. Interesting that chert and flint are both sedimentary rocks. I didn't know that. Did you?

In Journalism, we are working on this Easter paper, albeit at a snail's pace. We just finished doing an "abstraction" exercise on the novel Fire on the Mountain by Edward Abbey. We also finally finished putting together our Christmastime Tales book. We've been dragging our feet on this one for a long time.

Russian Language has been "fun" lately with a lot of practice with the accusative and genitive cases. But that's all the new grammar we'll be studying this year.

Frank Keim

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