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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Working in the School

"This past vacation I mostly did work in the school. I changed the door for the boiler room upstairs. I also changed the door for the teacher workroom in the gym, and I installed some vinyl flooring on the entrance to the boiler room. I disconnected the thermostat in the teacher workroom, and changed outlets, switches and light bulbs in the school.

On Christmas day I stayed home with my family.

When moose hunting season came I went out with Moses Shorty and my

brother Mike. We hunted on the east side of Pitcher Mountain, and also across from Takchak. Unfortunately we did not have any luck catching a moose.

On New Year's Eve I went to the fiddle dance for a while, but then my kids got sleepy and I brought them home. When it was time for the fireworks display to start I woke them up and let them watch.

During Slavic I only got to go to a couple of houses because I was too busy. When the big star reached our house we fed everyone. I also went to church on the 14th of January for Orthodox New Year's.

The last couple of days before school started I checked the school to make sure everything was done and working right."

Nick Duny


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