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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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The Akutak Race

Over the Christmas vacation, I stayed home most of the time, but I enjoyed it. I got to stay up late, watch movies, and sleep in. I read a book called My Sister Moon and Brother Sky. It was a good book by Sue Harrison.

On Christmas day we had a family dinner and invited babies that were named after my mom, Agnes. Carolyn Coffee, Irene Duny, Marina Isaac and Alexandra Owletuck were there. We forgot to include Russell Evan, Kelly Ann Oney and George One.

For Christmas I got slippers from Herman and Natalia George. They were the best Christmas gift I got this year. I also got a really nice scarf and pin from Gloria Fitka and her family and a towel from Angeline and Frank, which came in handy.

On New Year's I was really busy fund raising for the Catholic Church raffling tickets down at the gym while they were fiddling. Paula sang with us in the choir on Christmas and New Year's Eve. We both got to lead the singers in the New Year's song, and we were so nervous we sang too fast and the rest of the people could hardly keep up with us.

For Slavic we served blueberry and salmon berry akutak, cake, juice and coffee to those who came to our house. Paula made the salmon berry akutak and I made the blueberry akutak. We raced to see who could make the akutak faster, and Paula won. Everyone liked Paula's salmon berry akutak better than mine. She also made the cake. I didn't get to feed a big meal to everyone this year because I was broke from Christmas.

There were a lot of things that I didn't get to do over the Christmas break. I didn't get to go ice fishing because it was too cold, and I also wanted to travel to other places. Mostly I spent my time with my daughter Tamlyn, visited my sisters, and spent time cooking and cleaning.

By: Clara Shorty


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