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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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My Grandsons' Santa Claus

When the vacation started, on Dec. 22nd, Barb and I went to Anchorage. While we were there I worked on projects for my grandchildren Morgan and Baily. Barb and I bought them both wooden shoes and I varnished them. We also spent some time buying several presents for the rest of the family. On Dec. 24, Barb and I put up a tree and decorated it. I also put lights on the trees outside and on the eaves of our house. On Christmas morning the whole family came over to the house. While opening presents I acted as Santa Claus for my Morgan and Baily. I had a lot of fun giving them the wooden shoes, especially to Morgan because he's been wanting them for more than a year.

After Christmas I did little things around the house until the 29th when Barb and I took off for Hawaii. We spent one week on Oahu Island, then spent the rest of our vacation on the big island of Hawaii. We enjoyed such activities as snorkeling, jet skiing, hiking and sun bathing. We also rented a Harley Davidson motorcycle and rode it all over the island.

On New Year's Eve we attended a black tie party at the Hawaii Hotel. A little before midnight Governor Kayatano pushed the button to start the pineapple up the pole as everyone counted down. At midnight, the sparklers were lit and the fireworks were set off. It was a big celebration. I wasn't that worried about Y2K because I wouldn't mind being grounded in Hawaii.

When we got back I snowshoed and hiked around in Anchorage for the whole day. It was my way of getting used to Alaska again. I enjoyed my vacation very much.

By: Guy Sandlin


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