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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Jumping Snow Banks

On Christmas Eve, I attended the community Christmas program. After listening to a lot of Christmas songs and lip syncing a couple with Tassie, I sat and talked with my mom until all the presents in the gym were passed out. We then walked home and I opened all my presents before midnight. Being disappointed with my presents I went to my room and turned on a movie. Just as I was getting comfortable, Long came by and asked me if I wanted to go on a snow machine ride with him. I gladly agreed and got dressed.

We rode around town for a while to try to find someone to ride with us. The only person we saw riding around was Richard Boots. We asked him to ride with us up to Pilcher. We followed him up going about 40-50 mph. We got maybe half way up the mountain and turned back because it was too stormy. We rode around on the tundra for a while jumping over tussocks and big snow banks. After a while Willie Paul and Nus showed up. Long jumped over a big snow bank with me, but it was scary and I got off so he could jump all he wanted. A couple minutes later Will dropped Nus off by me and we watched the three boys jump over and over again. Not too long after, something happened to Long's snow machine and we had to come back into town. After standing outside Long's house for maybe half an hour watching him tinker with his machine I walked home.

On New Year's Eve I had to work in the student store to help out with selling our products to a lot of happy people who spent their evening square dancing. Just before midnight, we closed the store and went down by Virg-ins' house to watch the fireworks display put on by the city. It was the best New Year's Eve I'd had for as Iong as I could remember because I wasn't hanging around with alcoholic people. After the half-hour fireworks display, Tassie, Gerilyn, Diane, Emily and I went back to the gym to wish happy New Year to everyone there. Then we went to check out the teen dance. It was kind of fun because I sat close to the speakers and told jokes with my friends and made fun of the stuck-up people who were there.

The only other interesting thing that I did was travel down to Pilot Station by snow machine with my cousin Terrence on January 12. We took off at about 5:00 p.m. and reached Pilot at maybe 6:30. The basketball games were pretty boring, but I had fun talking with Poopie and Paula, and teasing some of the people we saw. It was also good to see some of my old friends again (you know who you are, I hope). We left from Pilot Station pretty late and reached Marshall around 1:00 a.m. The ride up was better than the ride down because it was a little stormy and Terrence was driving more carefreely than he did going down river. We also rode in a lot of powder snow instead of following the trail all the way up.

Although it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be, my vacation from school was okay.

By: Rose Lynn Fitka


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