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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Following the Star

During the first day of Christmas vacation I stayed up all night and slept all day. Cal came to visit me a couple of times, just to hassle me or to play Pictionary.

I didn't go to the Christmas program until they started handing out presents. Dennis, Umbro and I were having lots of fun hassling Kim while we were waiting around for presents. Then I went to my house with Jake and one of my friends and opened up my presents. After that, we went to Wes's house where they were caroling. After a while we got bored and went home. Christmas day I didn't do much.

Between Christmas and New Year's I pretty much stayed home listening to music or playing guitar. New Year's Eve was fairly boring for me. The dance at Leslie's old store was really boring, and it was more like a place to hang out and listen to music. I went up to the gym before midnight so that I could be closer to where they were going to have the fireworks display. Umbro was going to bring his little sister down with his four-wheeler to see the fireworks and I hopped on with them. The display was better than the years before, but it was still pretty boring, except for when a couple of the artillery shells tipped over and blew up on the ice. After midnight when everybody calmed down we went back to the dance. Umbro brought me down to Leslie's. It was really empty at first, but then it started to fill up. We moshed, but it was cheap because there were only two of us on the floor. There were supposed to be a couple more, but they chickened out. When the dance was just starting to get really good, Smee and Walter came down to cut us off.

Between New Year's and Slavic I didn't do much. The first two days of Slavic I didn't even go because they cut it off at midnight so they could have church in the morning. The day that they started going all night I started following the star from James One's. By the time they got to Joe Peter's it was around 6:00 a.m. I stayed at Joe's till around 9:00 and then went back to my house to sleep. When I got up I ate some breakfast, then I hung out in my house for a while. Then I went to check out Robert Pitka who was home from the Navy. His brother Stook and I went to my house for about an hour. Stook fell asleep, but I woke him up and told him that I was going to check out the star which was at John Moxie's. When we went down we waited around for a while until they told us to eat. After I was through eating I sat on the couch and joked around with Yoda and Austin. When Nick Coffee was asked to go and eat he didn't want to, but I told him that when they asked him to eat he had to go eat. When he sat down, Augusta asked him, "What kind of soup do you want, moose soup or king salmon soup?" He said, "Whichever one is soup." And we all laughed.

After John's we went to Herman's and then to Feducia's where we ate again. Austin and I were in the back room with some other kids and we talked for a couple hours about dumb things like animals and Atlantis and what we wanted to do in the future. And so it went until we had finished following the star, and then I had only a couple of days to get ready for school.

Maurice Turet


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