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Crash on a Snow Machine:Crash on a Snow
Over the Christmas vacation I got used to staying up late, and I started doing it almost every day. I started to stay up so late that I ended up waking up in the evenings and then staying up late again the next day. A couple of times I ended up staying up all night and sleeping late in the day. I thought it would be better to be up at night than during the daytime because there would never be anything to do and it would be so boring. At night, my friends and I would mostly stay in my house, and it would get to be more fun later in the morning. But we had to be as quiet as we could because after awhile my parents got tired of it. Finally, we had to quit, but we started up again. My parents got so tired of seeing my friends during the day that they wouldn't allow them to come into the house. Sometimes they would come in anyway, but my mom wouldn't want to see them. We'd mostly listen to music and talk in my room, watch movies, or find something mischief to do. Sometimes I'd go out at night and hang around by the P.O. or at another friend's house, but it got boring so I started staying in. New Year's was okay, but it wasn't as much fun as last year. They had a square dance and a teen dance, but there were hardly any people from out of town here. I was hoping that something odd would happen on New Year's Eve because I bet someone it would. But nothing happened and I lost the bet. If it wasn't for my friends, it wouldn't have felt like New Year's at all. One of them got so excited at the teen dance that it made it more exciting for me. Even though there hardly any people there, the dance was fun. I sat around with my friends and watched the people dance and do other things. When it was over we had a little celebration and watched movies. Slaviq was okay. I only went to a couple of houses, though. When school started to get closer I got sick. It was a bad time to get sick because I wanted to have fun while I could. I wasn't looking forward to waking up early and going back to school. I almost went to Pilot Station with a friend, but his snow machine broke down, and I had to stay here in Marshall. I took some snow machine rides, but not long ones because our snow machine wasn't working then. Once we crashed into the trees and tipped over, but no one was hurt. I'm just glad I wasn't driving! Jolene Soolook | |