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Cooking Part was Best/Slavic Ended Too Soon:Cooking Part was Best
"My Christmas vacation went just fine. Bruce, Crystal, Boy (Don Ill) went to look for a Christmas tree a week before Christmas and were lucky enough to find one. The Christmas program was okay. It looked like everybody including the kids had tons fun. The cooking part was the best part of the vacation for me. But the whole vacation was too long. The kids looked like they started to get bored and had nothing much to do. I hope next year will be a little better." Delores Paul Slavic Ended Too Soon
"My Christmas was okay. But it really didn't seem like Christmas to me because my oldest son Christopher was not here to spend it with me. Although I tried to make it enjoyable for my family and the rest of my kids, I missed Chris. Slavic was fun, but I didn't expect it to end so soon. I wanted it to go on for at least a couple days more. With as many children as I have, it was hard getting around during Slavic. I wish I had gone to most of the houses I wanted to go to. I was able to feed the people for the little star when it came to my house, though, and I enjoyed preparing the meal for them. The children that followed the star and sang had very little cute voices when they sang. They are always fun to watch and to listen to and to see them so proud of themselves." Palassa Fitka | |