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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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100 mph Break

My vacation started with a trip to Pilot Station by snow machine for a women's ball game. I brought Gerilyn down so she could play. When we started going down it was snowing so it was a good trail.

There were nine snow machines that went down to watch or play. The game was a good one until the end of the 3rd quarter when the Pilot Station women started to pull away and the Marshall team lost confidence. By then the game was over, so I went to Uppa Boy's house and hung out there for a while waiting for Gerilyn so that I could bring her back to Marshall.

As we were coming home everybody was going too slow, and since I didn't want to stay on the trail I sped up until we got close to the mouth of Polty's Slough. Then I stopped and waited for a while before taking off again. When I got to the long straight stretch across the river I squeezed my throttle and watched my speedo max out at 100 mph. I was still speeding up when Gerilyn who was holding on for dear life told me to slow down. So I slowed down to about 80 mph.

When we got home I dropped off my traveling gear and went to the square dance. About 10 minutes later I went out to check around and saw Richie and Daisy just pulling in to town.

After that I went back and forth to Pilot all vacation just for the ride. On New Year's eve we had a dance at the armory. At midnight there were fireworks exploding all over town and we took a break and watched the fireworks. After that the dance went on until 4:00 a.m.

Joe Fitka


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