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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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New Year Tourney Well Enjoyed

Over the Christmas vacation I did a lot of things but my most memorable and worth- talking-about trip was when a bunch of us Marshall people went down to the New Year Men's Basketball Tournament in Pilot Station to cheer on the Marshall Lost Boyz team. The only games I didn't enjoy watching were the games that the Pilot Station Slow Pokes played. The rest of the games were alright.

The Lost Boyz' first game was against the Pilot Station Outlaws. It was a good game because the Outlaws were the underdogs and they put up a good fight by making the game a close one.

Their second game was with the undefeated St. Mary's Young Guns. Everyone knew it was going to be a good game and a good game it was. The Pilot Station crowd was cheering for the Lost Boyz as they barely kept up with the Young Guns through most of the game. But at the end the Lost Boyz struck hard and managed to steal the lead and won the game by six points.

The Lost Boyz easily took the next game against the Pilot Station Knights and advanced into the championship to play the St. Mary's Young Guns again.

Before the championship game some extra Marshall players went down to Pilot Station, and more fans also, because heaven knew that the Lost Boyz needed all the help they could to defeat the Young Guns since they had the taller people and were more aggressive under the board than the Lost Boyz.

The Young Guns got the tip off and took the lead early in the game and maintained the lead for most of the game. For a while I thought the Lost Boyz were going to lose the game until they started heating up. The crowd was getting pretty loud too, especially when the Lost Boyz cut the lead from twenty points to only two points late in the fourth quarter. There was one minute left in the game and the Lost Boyz were down by one point. At the end of the game the Lost Boyz won by four points after Terrence sank a three pointer during the final seconds and the Lost Boyz won by four points.

By: Chris Fitka


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