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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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My Dream Vacation

The first place I would go on my dream vacation is down to Florida. I would take a couple of friends along for company, and the first place we would visit is Orlando.

During our stay in Orlando we would go to an NBA game between the Magic and the Hornets. That would be very exciting because I am a very big fan of the Orlando Magic. After that my friends and I would go out shopping for Christmas presents for our families. We would also do a little sightseeing, like over to see the Orlando Sea World and its wonderful and mysterious creatures of the oceans.We'd also go to Walt Disney World theme park and take all the rides they offered. On December 22nd we would take a ride down to Miami, Palm beach and Ft. Lauderdale.

On the 24th we would drive back up to Orlando to share a Christmas dinner with each other.

On Christmas day we would take a seven day Carribean cruise to the Bahamas. While we were on our cruise we'd stay out on deck most of the time. Just sunning ourselves and swimming in the pool. We would also play some of the games they offered. After arriving in the Bahamas on New Year's day we'd stay there for two days swimming in the glorious Atlantic Ocean.

On the 2nd of January we'd take a flight to Hawaii which would be our final vacation spot. As soon as we got to the island of Maui we'd go straight to our hotel room and rest. The next day we'd spend a lot of our money shopping and touring. Then we'd purchase tickets to the Aloha Bowl, scheduled for the 10th of January. Meanwhile, we would do a lot of swimming and tanning on the beach.

Arizona State and Hawaii State were playing in the Aloha Bowl, and we knew it would be an exciting game, so we'd go watch it. After the game we'd go back to our hotel and enjoy the warm weather. Then on January 18, we'd head for home again, all tanned, played out and broke!

Fred Alstrom


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