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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Holly's Christmas Vacation

Hello! My name is Holly Riddle. My parents divorced when I was very young. I haven't seen my dad for a very long time. During my birthdays and Christmastime, he calls me to tell me that he sent my gifts.

This year during my three week Christmas vacation, my dad came to pick me up so I could spend Christmas with him. While I was there I met his second wife, and the three of us went out eating, shopping, to the movies, and to Walt Disney World in Florida.

During Christmas week we went out shopping for Christmas gifts and also to a very expensive restaurant where we had to dress up in dresses and suits. We had a very big dinner and all of us were very stuffed. While we were eating, we talked about what we should do while I was there.

The second week we went out eating every day, then to the theaters to watch scary or action movies. On New Year's Eve, we went to a carnival where we had a lot of fun because we tried many games and won many stuffed animals. All the stuffed animals that my dad and stepmother won they gave to me. I was very happy. When the big clock struck 12 midnight at the carnival, people started blowing up fire crackers.

After the carnival, on our way home my dad stopped at a liquor store and bought three bottles of hard liquor. After we got home my dad and stepmother started drinking. Then I heard my dad and stepmother arguing. When I got downstairs my dad was beating on my stepmother, so I started running toward them to stop my dad. When my dad took off to a bar, my stepmother and I started talking. She told me that she was scared to leave him. I started thinking that maybe that was why my mom divorced my dad.

The next day all of us gathered around the table and started talking about what happened last night, and my dad promised me and my stepmother that he would never do it again.

While my dad and stepmother were driving me home we stopped at Walt Disney World and took some of the rides. My dad got really sick from going on the ferris wheel.

I would like to spend my Christmas vacation with my dad again because I had so much fun.

By: Tanya Peter


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