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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Holly Riddle's Christmas Story

My name is Holly Riddle and my christmas vacation was as enjoyable as they come. I spent some time with both of my parents. To make things easier for my sister Carol and me, my mother came back to Dad's house and spent Christmas there.

On the first day of the vacation I called Mom and asked her if I could spend Christmas at Dad's house because I spent Thanksgiving with her. I was surprised when she agreed because she did so willingly.

The next day, Dad told Carol and me to clean up the house and get ready to decorate the tree. While Dad went out to get the tree Carol and I silently cleaned the house. We were lost in our own thoughts. I was thinking about why Dad was so eager for Christmas. Just when we finished cleaning the house Dad came in with the tree. I ran up to the attic to get the decorations, then we spent the evening decorating the house and the tree. Dad was very picky about how we decorated and that got Carol and me wondering.

After we were finally done we each went our separate ways to wrap each other's gifts to put under the tree. While Carol and I were in our rooms, Dad sneaked downstairs and put up our stockings.

When we finished with the wrapping we brought the presents down to the living room. I got there first and yelled for Carol to hurry and see what Dad had done. She was as surprised as I was because we hadn't seen the stocking since before the divorce and all this time we thought that our Mom had kept them with her.

After supper Dad told us to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep because we would need all our energy for the next day. He told us this would be a fun-filled Christmas and probably one of the best Christmases we've had in a long time.

That night I couldn't sleep just thinking about what Dad had said. But I was very eager to start the next day so I forced myself to try to sleep.

The next morning Dad woke us up with the rising sun and told us to eat breakfast, then to help him cook a Christmas dinner. So all day Carol, Dad and I were busy cooking and cleaning. By mid-day Carol and I were very curious about Dad and his overdose of Christmas spirit.

Just before dinner was ready a knock came at the door. Dad answered it. While Carol and I were setting the table, into the dining room walked Dad with his arms around Mom. Carol and I were so happy and excited we just dropped what we were doing and ran to hug them.

Dad was right, that was one of the best Christmases we had since the divorce. Mom and Dad aren't together anymore but they are still friends, and Carol and I are glad for that. I wish all divorces would end up the way my parents' did, but unfortunately most of them don't.

I had a good Christmas vacation. I got to spend time with my parents in one house and I also spent time with my friends, both of whom I am very glad to have.

Gerilyn Fitka

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