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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Christmas Togetherness

On Christmas Eve, 14 year old Jessica Gould from Upper Saddle, New Jersey, had no idea which parent to spend her Christmas with, so she decided to ask both of her parents, Coral and Erin, to have Christmas dinner together at a special restaurant.

A day before the dinner, Jessica knew that she had to talk with her mother because she was the one who seemed to start the arguments. And she had to ask her father not to be so rude whenever her mother would have something negative to say. To Jessica it seemed they only got along when she was around.

Jessica was very excited because they would all be together for the first time in half a year. Coral told her, though, that she wasn't really sure because she had a boyfriend, Emmitt. Jessica told her to bring him too. Coral knew how much Erin didn't like him, so she told Emmitt she wouldn't be long at the restuarant and that he should wait for her.

When they both met they said Merry Christmas and Erin gave a little present to both of them. Coral opened hers and they were 12 kt. earrings. She didn't know what to say. Jessica got a necklace with a gold heart and a diamond in the middle. Jessica hugged and kissed her father. Coral smiled and started to eat. Then she said, "Jessica I have to leave in a while, so I'll see you in a couple of days. Your father is taking you for a surprise trip back into the mountains." Jessica replied, "I thought maybe, if you don't have any plans, you could come with us. Please come. It would be so much fun." "I don't think so," Coral said, "because Emmitt is taking me to Hawaii and he wants me to meet some of his cousing. Next time, if I don't have any plans. Maybe New Year's Erin can do something with Emmitt. He owns this cottage near the mountains where there is this great lake. What do you think, Erin? I have to go now. I'll see you in a few days, Jessi. Bye."

"I'm sorry, dad, I've tried my best to get you two back together because I miss the both of you." Erin replied, "I feel stuck in the middle of this Jessi. This isn't your fault. It was too hard for both of us to live together and somehow we fell apart. Your mother and I love you so much, Jessica, and I still love your mother. But I guess it's over and I can't do anything about it." "But, it's so lonely having only one parent by my side when I need the both of you with me," Jessica complained. "It'll take time to get used to, Jessi," her dad said, "but I will always be by your side. C'mon let's go home."

By: Carmen Pitka


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