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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Breakdown on the Break

This past Christmas vacation I went downriver to Pilot Station to pick up Anthony Nick Jr. (Upa-Boy) because he wanted to come up for his vacation. I went down all by myself because noone else wanted to travel with me.

A couple days after we came back, Joe Joe, Upa-Boy and I went out moose hunting over at Owl Slough where we followed a creek to a portage we knew about. We tried to go up the bank but it was tricky and we had to go up in a different spot. The first time I tried I failed, then Joe Joe tried and rolled his machine over because he went up side ways. Then I tried again and made it. The first meadow we checked had some fresh moose tracks in it, so we followed them further back. We saw nothing though and decided to go home. After we got home Upa-Boy went to sleep because he and Joe stayed up all night playing MK3.

A couple days later Richie came upriver and told us Upa-Boy had to go home. I told them I would bring him home when Ben and I go pick up his snow machine. A couple days afterward Ben and I decided to go down without Upa-Boy even though it was raining. It took us a while because we were both on the same machine and it was slushy. When we got down there we went over to the airport to look at Ben's new snow machine. Then we went to the gas station to get some gas for his machine so we could make the trip home. After that we went to the store to get something to eat and some other stuff we needed, then we headed home.

I finally took Upa-Boy to Pilot Station for the men's basketball tournament. Norma, Upa-Boy and I went down with two snow machines. But one broke down on our way, so we spent a few days at Pilot trying to fix that machine. We ended up pulling it home where Dan and I finally got it running again.

By: Garrett Evan


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