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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Max Lunt

Max Lunt was born in Duncan, Arizona, on May 9, 1940, and grew up on a family farm in Duncan where they raised cotton, onions and pigs. He went to school at Duncan High School and graduated with twenty-three other students. After high school he went to many different colleges, like Eastern Arizona College, Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, and the University of Tucson, Arizona. He got his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Tucson, Arizona. Then he went to Silver City in western New Mexico and got an administrative certificate. Afterwards he went to UAF to be Alaska-certified.

Max studied to be a vocational agricultural teacher in Arizona. He has been a teacher since 1979 and became a principal in 1987. This is his second year as the principal in Marshall. He has lived in Alaska for four years. He would like to work here for a long time because he likes it here. Max likes working with people and students because it keeps him young and on his toes.

He took his first job as principal because he wanted to be with his own kids and be a part of their lives. But before he became an administrator, he had to teach for three years. Then he was a assistant principal for four years. After he bacame a principal, he attended two principal academies in northern Arizona, then he also had on-the-job training. He says that on-the-job training is the most valuable training.

Max's job keeps him stimulated, he says, "because it's fun and you never know what to expect." He heard a saying once from somebody which went, "a person never worked a day in his life because it was all fun!" One of the best things he likes about his job is getting to know people because every day you learn something new. One of the worst things is being away from his family, but even bad things, he says, you can turn around and make them good. He also says his family supports whatever he does.

Tatiana Sergie


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