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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Once there was this very ugly goose. Her name-was Gila the Goose. She lived on a lake southeast of the Askinuk Mts.

Well, she felt really left out from her friends. They didntt want to stay with her because she was so ugly. All the time she'd be alone at the end of the lake while the other geese were at the other end laughing at her and saying, "Gilda is so ugly that she could make you fly away!" They were really mean and she didn't like it one bit. Everytime she went home too, even though her brothers and sisters tried not to make fun of her, they just couldn't resist because she was ugly. And her mom would sometimes got scared when she saw her and that would make Gilda feel really bad. So one night she decided to run away, to a place where thc word ugly didn't mean anything. But everywhere she went, everyone would make fun of her. I mean everywhere. So she decided that she'd find her own place and live there.

Well, after a year or so, she decided to go back and look around the lakes to find something to eat. But while she was flying she saw some other geese, and she became very frightened because she thought that they'd make fun of her. But as she flew by all the guys started to whistle and the girls started to ask, Who the new girl was? "Wow! she is so pretty," the guys said. Gilda was so surprised she decided to land and check them out. Everyone gathered around her after she landed and asked, "Who are you?" "Where did you come from?", and all sorts of other questions. She said, "My name is Gilda and I come from Goose Lake near Hooper Bay." She didn't realize at first that they liked her and wanted her to stay and find a husband because she was so pretty.

But finally, Gilda decided to stay and get married to George the gander (the most handsome of all the ganders).

So never judge the person (or goose) by the way they look because some day they might turn out to be beautiful or handsome.(Amen)!

Story and Drawing by: Martina Prince"87"


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