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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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The Hungry Chickadee

A long time ago there lived a chickadee who was skinny and hungry. One day the chickadee flew into a small village called Keggtauyaq. Keggtauyaq had few people living there. The little bird was flying through the town, when he saw a lonely house far away from the village.

The little chickadee then flew to the house and landed by the window to see if there was anybody living there.

The bird looked through the window and saw an old man who lived in the house. The littlw bird could see that the old man's house was warm and that he had more than enough food in the corner where it was nice and cool.

The chickadee started pecking on the window but the old man didn't hear the bird. It pecked and pecked for a long time.

Finally, when the old man started getting ready for bed, he heard something quietly pecking on the window.

The old man looked through the window and he saw the little bird. He then opened the window for the little bird.

But the chickadee couldn't move, so the old man took the little bird and set it by the fire place.

There the little bird got warmed up and started eating some of the crumbs of food that the old man had given it.

The next day the bird felt much better so the old man let him go free. But the chickadee only flew away a short distance.

He kept coming back all winter and he and the old man became friends.

By Herbie Kaganat


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