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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Long Legs

Once there were these two cranes who were husband and wife and who lived near the river. They had all the food they could eat and were good and fat. Her husband would always go hunting in the tundra, and one day while he was coming home he saw his wife throwing out everything they had including things like food and oil. Her husband became very sad when he saw this and he looked curiously at his wife. Then he sat down a little ways from her and started to sing a song asking why she was throwing out all those things. "Why is this silly woman throwing out these things? If I wasn't there she would be sitting alone in the corner of the house, long legs, long legs, yay-yay-yay, long legs, long legs, yay-yay-yay. Why is this silly woman throwing out these things? If I wasn't there she would be sitting alone in the corner of the house. Long1egs, longs legs, yay-yay-yay."

Then all of a sudden his wife stopped being mad. She started to pick up all those things and bring them back into the house. And from that time on his wife never was mad again. And whenever her husband caught any game she would put it all away and never threw any of it out.

Story told by Agnes Aguchak

To Matilda

Qucillgagukuk nulirqellrik wiitalrik tua-i wiitalliinaqellrik kuigem ceniini. Tua-i cautengqerllutekguq tua-i neqautengqerllutek uquterlutek-llu tukulutek tua-i canek neqkanek. Tua-i-guq uinga aiyagnaurtuq anguussagluni yuilqumun. Tua'll cam-iliini-guq aiyagpiarluni, matenruq tekiicarturtuq, nuliar-agguq qenertellria. Caukaratekguq eggqaqai ellamun. Neqaukaratek-llu-guq uqukaratek-llu eggqaqluki tua-i qenertellria. Tua'llu-guq uinga iluteqluni tangerlluku tua-i nuliani iluteq ngami-guq qiaguq tua-i nuliani eggqaqillra pitekluku yatiinun aqumqerluni qiaguq.

"Citaq unai egqaqiqtarta paqrilkuma caniqami tarkaurluq kanagia, kanagia, yaiyiria, kanagia, kanagia yaiyiria. Ciqtaq unai egqaqiqtarta paqrilkuma kangirrami tarkaurluq kanagia, kanagia, yaiyiria."

Tua-llu-guq nulira taqluni qenernermek tamakut egqaqellniguq atamguq iterqurai enminun tamavit. Tua-I-guq nutan tuaten penqigtivkenani tua-i nulira tua-i uiimiam cakngai tua-i tekitaqan aiyagarluni qemagquralliiniinaurai tamaavit.

Agnes Aguchak-am

quliirillra Matilda-mun


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