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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Troglodytes troglodytes

Qatxaya{ - Troglodytes troglodytes

Qatxaya{, sakucha{ aku{ imudigana{ liidaza{. Hakaa chumnugim qaxchikdaa angali{taku{ ama dam qaxchikdaa ila{taa mataza{. Sakuchas udang malganangis ilagaan chuqudanaaguza{ aza{.

Taga{tal aguun ataqam aslan alaka{, ataqan hiisa{tal samgamigina{ liidaza{. Hitxii iIa{taa hakang chuchagina{ liidaku{ uku}aza{.

Qatxayas udang alanazana}uIas akuzaan, wayaam uku}al liisnaalazaqadakus.

Winter Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes

The winter wren is a small bird that looks kind of round. The feathers on a wren are brownish in color. It has very dark black eyes. The wren is among the smallest of the birds seen around here on Atka.

Whenever a wren is on the ground, it is continously moving. It seems as though it is always bobbing. The tail of a wren is always sticking straight up. There used to be lots of wrens around here, but they are hardly seen any more.

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