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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Becephala albeola

Midimit{i{ - Becephala albeola

Midimit{i{ hanim sakuchaa amaku{, hanim sangis malganangis ilaan chuqudaza{. Midimit{im ali}ingis quhmakus qaxchikdaa}utazas, kamgingis chid}ina{ liidakus, chid}aayuu}utazas. Midimit{im ayagangis kaaxadgim sa}anagan ayagangis liidaaguzazas, akus kaaxadgim ilagaan chuqudaa}utazas.

Sakucham hasinal iga{taatungis azas. Hanis asxuunulax udam chi}ana}ingis ilan al qanagnas agudix, qanikinga masxal aguun chugaanul uku}aqadanas agumdix, saaqudikinga masxal aguun, udaa}aa}utazas.

Hanim sagan qaatunangis akus, hitmilgangis i}amanaa}utazas, hingamakus maalal kalulgaakal agungis kalulgazakus.

Bufflehead - Becephala albeola

The bufflehead is a freshwater duck. It is smaller in size than the other freshwater ducks. The drake is white and black. The head looks bluish green. The hen has a closer resemblance to the harlequin duck, but it is smaller in size.

Even though these ducks are small, they like to fly in great flocks. After spending their winters in the lakes, or small bays with little creeks, they go north in the spring. In the fall, they return to this area once again.

They are tasty ducks. They are also easy to pluck. That is why whenever they can be shot, they are shot.

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