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Lesser Scaup:Kuchutu{ - Aythya affinis Kuchutu{ hanim saa aa}utakum, aIa}um ilan agach aaguzaza{, hagumataku{ hasinal iga{taatuzas. Taga{tal agudix uku}angis qaxchikdana{ liidakus, iga{tal agudix ilidangis quhmakus uku}azas. Kuchutum ali}igan kamgii chid}aayuna{ liidaza{ aku{ hawan kuchutum ayagaa chumnugim qaxchikdaa aku{, hiiyukaa chid}im angalidigaa angali{taza{ ama hiiyukagan chuqii hakangis quhmaza{. Hawan udam qamdana}ulangis chi}ana}ingis ilan aatuzas. Qan'gim sangis agacha azas, udang al qanaxs aqadagudix, qanikinga masxal aguun, chugaanul uku}aqadaa}utazas. Hagumatakus igal agudix aa}i{ liidal igaza}ulas, igal agudix ala}um kugan xaadagnaa}ina{ liidahligudix igazas. Kuchutus udang saahmla}iza}ulas mal saahmlangis angali{tanangis haqatalaka}ning.
Lesser Scaup - Aythya affinis The lesser scaup is a freshwater duck but it is found mostly in salt water. Scaups like to fly in large flocks. When they are on the water, they look dark in color, but once they are in flight, their bottom sides are white in color. The drake has a green head and the hen is brown. Their bill is light blue, and it has a white feather on the base of it. Scaups like living in the lagoons, or small bays where there are small creeks. The lesser scaups are winter ducks. They migrate here during the fall and when spring comes, they return to where they come from. I have never seen an egg of a lesser scaup so I don't know the color of it. |