This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.
By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland
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By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland
Return to Introduction to Atkan Aleut Grammar and Lexicon
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B |
baabuskax:Atkan spelling: baabuska{ : midwife |
Baabuskax ulagikux.:Atkan spelling: Baabuska{ ula}iku{. : The midwife is home. |
baanax:Atkan spelling: baana{ : steamhouse |
Baanax hwagikux.:Atkan spelling: Baana{ hwa}iku{. : The steamhouse is smoking. |
baankix:Atkan spelling: baanki{ : can |
Baankix alqutal haxsit?:Atkan spelling: Baanki{ alqutal haxsit? : How did you open the can? |
Baankix axsil akux ilagaan taangax hyuqalinax.:Atkan spelling: Baanki{ axsil aku{ ilagaan taanga{ hyuqalina{.: When he put a hole in the can, water started pouring out. |
Baankix̂ alaĝum ilan umdaagiilakux̂.:Atkan spelling: Baankix̂ alaĝum ilan umdaagiilakux̂. : The can is drifting away from the shore. |
baliikax:Atkan spelling: baliika{ : smoked fish |
Baliikax qalgaa qaatunazax.:Atkan spelling: Baliika{ qalgaa qaatunaza{. : Eating smoked fish is delicious. |