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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Babysitting Rose

When Rose was a baby I used to babysit all day. She was a heavy baby and loved to eat. She was very scared of people and cried very easily. I used to drive a 3-wheeler and bring her outside to be around people. When she started walking I would visit relatives with her and let her go to the playground and sandbar. I even took her to Tuntutuliak for Slavic. While she was there she was still scared of people and we had to leave the houses where the star was because she couldn't stop crying. But she really enjoyed eating and would fall asleep while she was eating.

By: Barbara Fitka-Duny





Back and Forth

Half of my Christmas vacation was spent at Emmonak, and the other half was spent here in Marshall. I went to Emmonak both before and after Christmas. The first time I went to Emmo was to visit my friend Leona Kameroff because I hadn't seen her in a long time. The first night I was there Leona and I put a sled on the back of her family's snow machine, and Leona's sisters Emily and Goula took us for a ride. It was a lot of fun because we kept falling off the sled. I also got to visit a former Marshall High School student, Lois Moore. Other things I did while I was in Emmo were hang out at the pool hall, take snow machine rides, and meet a lot of Leona's friends. The most memorable snow machine ride I took in Emmo was when I was riding with Sean Waska and he accidentally hit a piece of wood and I fell off his snow machine.

The second time I went to Emmonak was for their Christmas basketball tournament. There were 16 men's and women's basketball teams participating in it. The men who took first place were the Stebbins Hot Shots. First place for the women went to the Kotlik Starrz. During the tournament there were dances that took place after the games, which I thought were fun for the first few days. But by the end of the tournament I was tired of the dances because there were so many of them. On January 1 there was also fiddling for the old folks, but I didn't go because I felt too young to be seen in one of those places. During that time I got to see a lot of my cousins from Alakanuk, and I also discovered some of my relatives in Emmo.

While I was here in Marshall I spent most of my time at home enjoying Christmas and my birthday. I didn't go out much and just relaxed and enjoyed my time off with my family. Fred came home to visit and it was really good to have a big brother back in the house. His stay was short, though, and I didn't see him much, but it was cool to have him around again.

Charlotte Alstrom


Back and Forth

My summer was alright, but went by too fast. It was also really hot, and the worst thing about my summer was that I got a little bit too black. I got the sun block a little bit too late.

My job this summer sucked! I was working with the Marshall Traditional Council S.Y.E.T.P. cutting tree's, picking up trash, and worst of all, painting the playground (but I didn't pick out the color.) The worst thing about painting was that I got lots of paint in my hair. I really wanted to quit, but I needed the cash and my mom wanted me to stick with it. So I did. Sad but true.

I went home to Emmonak on the 2nd of July and had lots of fun down there for two days. I went to the basketball games and it felt really freaky going to ball games in summer. It was really hot in the gym and there were lots of irritating bugs in there. On the 4th of July my dad's band got invited to come up here to fiddle. The happiest part about coming up to Marshall was that my cousin Kim had a chance to come too for the first time.

The first night here we girls slept in my dad's boat. Boy, it was really cold that night.But the next afternoon when we got up it was really HOT! We stayed up here for a couple of days, then I went home with my parents. I stayed down at Emmonak for a couple of weeks to spend time with my parents. I had lots of fun while I was there, like being really mischief and running away from the cops. My sister Sophie Ann and I would go home sometimes at five or six in the morning, sleep in all day and do the same the next night.

When I came back here to Marshall I got busted too many times for curfew violation, and I had to go to court over the phone. As a punishment they reduced curfew hours from two to one o'clock and from one o'clock to twelve!

Lois Moore

Back to Salt Lake

"I went straight to Salt Lake City to be with my family. Carol and Natalie are now living there, and I spent Christmas with them. I was able to visit one of my daughters who is expecting her second child in February. That will be our eighth grandchild. I also went to see another daughter and her three boys who live in Idaho. I saw many other of my relatives that I haven't seen for many years.

The highlight of my Christmas vacation was spending time with my family. I even got to watch Natalie play three high school basketball games.

I was a day late for work because of a back ailment and right after I returned to Marshall I went down to Mtn. Village to attend some meetings. It's good to be back."

Max Lunt

Baked Fish

1 whole fish
1 diced onion
1 tsp. each of salt and pepper
3 potatoes
4 sticks of carrots
Minute Rice (as a side dish)

Baked Fish

minute riceonion


Cut fish all the way back but don't cut all the way through. Place in greased pan and put diced onions and salt and pepper in between the cut parts. Add potatoes, carrots, or rice to the edge of pan. Bake at 350 degrees F. for about one hour.

By: Carmen Pitka
From: Nancy Fitka


Baked fish

1 whole fish
1 cup of elbow macaroni
less then a handful of salt
3 or 4 peeled potatoes

Baked fish

Clean the fish, then cut it in slices as big as you want them to be but don't cut all the way to the other side. Put the fish in a large pan and add a little water to the pan. Put less than a handful of salt in it. After putting in the oven, bring it to a boil and then add 3-4 peeled and sliced potatoes, half a sliced onion, and a cup of elbow macaroni. If you want rice, put a cup of it in the pan with the rest of the ingredients. Cook it till the ingredients and fish are done. Cool it, then eat it.

Olga Moxie
Baked Fish

1 King salmon
1/4 cup Crisco lard or oil
1 1/2 cups sliced onions
2-3 sliced potatoes

Baked Fish

Slice fish into steaks and put them in a medium frying pan. Put 1/4 cup of oil into the pan and cook at medium heat. Put sliced onions and potatoes on the sides of the pan while cooking the fish. Cook for 15-20 minutes on medium heat. Turn steaks over and continue baking for 15-20 minutes.

Theresa George

[The original document had this recipe in the "Moose Specialties" section.]

1 cleaned and gutted goose
1 tbsp salt
2 cups water
1 tbsp pepper
2 potatoes
1 1/2 c. rice


Cut up the goose, then put it in a shallow pot with the water and rice. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and put them around the goose. Then put the salt and pepper on the goose. Heat the oven to 300 degrees and when it's ready, put the goose in. Bake it for about 1 hour. Keep checking it so it will not burn.

Gerilyn Fitka
Baked Moose Meat

1 chunk of moose meat
salt and pepper
1 package of onion soup mix
4 to 5 potatoes
3 to 4 carrot sticks

Baked Moose Meat

Sprinkle salt and pepper over the moose meat. Put one package of onion soup mix over it. Put potatoes and carrots on the side. Cover with tin foil. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1 1/2 hours.

By: Carmen Pitka
Baked Salmon Baked Salmon

1 salmon

veg. oil

1/2 c. of riceBaked Salmon

1 oniononion

1/2 c. waterwater

Baked Salmon

After cleaning, put the fish and vegetable oil in a roasting pan. Peel potatoes and onion, then add them to pan along with 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup rice. Cook until fish is done.

Mary Jane Shorty


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