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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Somateria mollissima

Kasami{ - Somateria mollissima

Kasami{ al}um sangis malganangis ilagaan angunazas. Hagumatakus kasamim ali}ingis quhma{ ama qaxchikda{ angali{takus, kitangis ama hiiyukangis kanuuyam angalidigaa angali{tazas. Kasamim ayagangis chumnugim qaxchikdaa angali{tazas.

Qan'gim aslaan sakang ala}um ilan al qanagnas agudix, saaqudgi{ amaatxaqadal aguun tana{ adaa}aasal saahmla}ii}dix agacha anuxtaqalizakus. Hawakus tan}is uuquchiingi}ulangis agatingis kugan saahmla}izakus. Ti}yum adungis ilan isxa{ agu{tal ilan saahmla}izas. Isxangis chungus ama qiigas ilagaan agu}izas. Kasami{ atuung saahmla{taza{, saahmlangis chid}aayum angalidigaa angali{tazas. Hawakus kasamim chiidangis migal a}al agudix kukutus ngaan asa}al hagumaalazakus. Slum aslaan saahmla}il agudix sadagikus maalal ti}yum ilan alaaza{siilal aygaxs sulalgazakus. Saahmlangis agiitangis lalgal, aqadaguun, qalgazakuu maalal hagumaalazas. Hamahliim chungungis lalgal, aqadgungis qiigaa hagyayal ilaan kahngiitis aguzanas, aku}aan wayaam qigulgazalaka}is, Amilaayam kahngiitingis agatingis wayaam su}azakus.

Kasamim ali}ingis slum aslaan sadaglaka}is, hawakus ayagangis agatingis sadagzas. Saaqudikinga masxal aguun kasamim ali}ingis chngulil hakangis txidix isxanal agudix ana{ mal iga{taakalaka}is, sadagii}utazas. Hawakus ha}aa}us ilan aslixsxal agungis anagili{ su{tal lalgazaqas hiiIa{tazas. Wayaam haqaya}azalaka}is.

Common Eider - Somateria mollissima

The eider is one of the larger saltwater ducks. The drake is black and white. Their feet and bills are yellowish in color. The hen is all brown in color.

During the winter, the eiders spend their time way out at sea. When spring comes, they approach land and get ready to lay eggs. They prefer nesting on islands that do not have any foxes. They nest in the long grasses. The nest consists of grass and down. They usually lay six eggs which are light green in color. When the egg hatches, the baby is called kukutu{.

During the summer, the eiders and their eggs are gathered. The technique used for doing this is to walk quietly along where the birds are nesting. As soon as one is spotted, it is grabbed with both hands. This is how the duck and the eggs are caught and eaten.

Some time ago, the eider down was collected and used for making pillows. Now, however, the whiteman made pillows are used.

The drakes are not fat during the summer, but the hens are. In the fall, however, the drakes when shedding their feathers, are very fat. During this time, they cannot fly. They are then cornered in small lagoons and clubbed, so they say. This method is not used any more today.

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