The compact discs, made from digitized masters of the original recordings, and this index were produced by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library and Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The project was supported in part by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, and by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Library Association, and the Alaska State Library. For more information or to order any CD (available for check out, too), contact the
Oral History Program at Rasmuson Library, UAF.
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Lady who lost her arm; Koyukon language: (Kaltag) Andrea, Michael: Koyukon. Title: Lady who lost her arm; Koyukon language. Subject: Stories, Native languages.
Ref. cut: H9112316
Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets: (Minto) Charlie, Moses: English. Title: Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets. Subject: Native languages, stories, hunting, trapping, women, fish, animals, family.
Ref. cut: H78142
Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets: (Minto) Charlie, Bessie: English. Title: Lake story; Big pike; Camps; Caribou and bear skin; Wives and families; Mink, martin and fox blankets. Subject: Native languages, stories, hunting, trapping, women, fish, animals, family.
Ref. cut: H78142
Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days: (Minto) Titus, Matthew: Central Tanana and English. Title: Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days. Subject: Stories, songs, land claims, dances, traditional living, education, hunting, traveling, elders.
Ref. cut: H911264
Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days: (Minto) David, Johnny: Central Tanana and English. Title: Land claims 1936-73; Old man and woman getting shells at the shore; Snow-go song; Dance song; What they did in the old days. Subject: Stories, songs, land claims, dances, traditional living, education, hunting, traveling, elders.
Ref. cut: H911264
Language learning: pronunciations for several words: (Minto) Charlie, Jimmy: Unidentified. Title: Language learning: pronunciations for several words. Subject: Native languages.
Ref. cut: H78145
Language learning: pronunciations for several words: (Minto) Charlie, Teddy: English. Title: Language learning: pronunciations for several words. Subject: Native languages, traditional living.
Ref. cut: H78146
Last Indian war in Tanana: (Nenana) Starr, Alfred: English. Title: Last Indian war in Tanana. Subject: War.
Ref. cut: H9112100
Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up Alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923: (Allakaket) Williams, Joe, Sr.: Koyukon and English. Title: Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up Alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923. Subject: Hunting, games, stories, songs, storytelling, animals, birds.
Ref. cut: H911210
Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923: (Allakaket) Williams, Kathleen: Koyukon and English. Title: Learning stories; His father hunting; Footraces with Johnny Simon; Two brothers who heard a raven; Man and a woman up alatna River; Big William's song, 1905; Big Beetus' song, 1923. Subject: Hunting, games, stories, songs, storytelling, animals, birds.
Ref. cut: H911210