This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center.
By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland
Return to Introduction to Atkan Aleut Grammar and Lexicon
By Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland
Return to Introduction to Atkan Aleut Grammar and Lexicon
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Q |
qa:Atkan spelling: qa : well! |
Qa, hingamaqadaaxt!:Atkan spelling: Qa, hingamaqadaa{t! : Well, would you stop it! |
qaadax:Atkan spelling: qaada{ : dolly varden |
Qaadax atxazakuq.:Atkan spelling: Qaada{ atxazakuq. : I caught a dolly varden. |
qaagudgusix:Atkan spelling: qaagudgusi{ : garbage can |
Qaagudgusix chxatichxilakan hyutida.:Atkan spelling: Qaagudgusi{ ch{atich{ilakan hyutida. : Empty the garbage can before it is too full. |
Qaagudgusix kagikux.:Atkan spelling: Qaagudgusi{ kagiku{.: He is dumping the garbage. |
Qaagum angunaa mitikux.:Atkan spelling: Qaagum angunaa mitiku{. : She swept lots of rubbish. |
qaagux:Atkan spelling: qaagu{ : scrap; rubbish |
Qaahngaliqdaa ukuxtaaqaan.:Atkan spelling: Qaahngaliqdaa uku{taaqaan. : Look at his uvula. |