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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Imumi qamerallarmini iimar-perrmi, ciungani pitcivllani irrnamituq imarparmii kami-gallililuni nunami irnerpak ungnuggluni, unuarlliniluni cumik-tim tungnargiunani yani imarpermi. Tuall cuqrrluni ungnuanermini imarpermi cumeng imumung nitellinuartug ruarpal-rumeng pia tamakuciq im tungalliq cinuaga-tuai tungruamui tauna ullallengnulgutua iku cungum-ellukgurluqu pitarguqruq-tua umlleqguperluni. tua-ruq qyugengliluq pituarguq tun-giinung tikengnalluratat tumagut iilungciksuanaki pitargut tumaqut agulitgung culimaglliyuquq yiaruq curlluni rurparnagtuq cunimelliyaruq tua yairyuk akumyallramaq kuspermiq atulliniluni kuspermiq atur1uni ukguallu civvtumaluni kiigaluqu tekicarlluliniluqa tuar yaniwa kiitaruq cunimitiraruq nur-arpauqaperluni nuiya tukluuni civvtumaluteng rurlluniluni rurrparnartuq nirurrcukllani atum utarrnaluni utarnuluni piayaguq pisukiqngani ayeng-yarullugu kiicarlluini ellgua aturrluni civvtummali tumarrun kusperagun ukguaqun narellgalliniuqu narellgamivuq yikiq imna yuk atragerluni at-ragerlluni qiiyavvgaaluqu neq-inallinaluqu tua wannerpak neq-inaluqu pikeggnaliruq cukiqellrani cayuggluqu pugruq rnaten tuatten tua atam unllurluni nukialliniluqu qerraluni qaciyartun ciyerryaqa atam pugruq gulamiceli pikerluni atam unllurluni ungluan kaurarcun cayugluqu pugruq maten cimilliniluni muqllugtikatilimiluni atam ung-lluan neqinaluqu ciyuqlluniruq pugruq nutuan tuai muqllug tuq-agalliniluni tuai atam nukiialuqu tuai-ruq puggruq muqllugtengluni tam imna yuk narallgalla tall-imitgun unllurtilluni tuana tengcilla nutan-tuai nakialliniluqu cacuggtugun cayuggluqu ciyuqllerluni miyerrlluqu pituklluqu piyani pilaggluqu kinanetni tuana muklluq pitara utrutllinluni imna tununerr mun cinaggaruqa tuani pissullelmini cunaura-ruq tama pitgaruragut imgut tangllri tuani pitarrgat tuaiteng kamirargami pitulluni.

By Robert Sundown



Imumi unuami aqerta anumaluni. unuakutullruna ullaqaqa tupaklluqu wungquq uptukggralugut atraluta cinarparmun lligaryaruq ayaggcell-ralaqu imarpermun tungiinun. ayallrugut imarpikmung assigaperluni lla imarpikllu akertam iingaqa awiranillgara uckiqa utlluqu naliratuqut imarpermung ayaluta mukllanin yarluta giyarkurallimta ullgaqa upulluqu neryurtuteng ungyamun atralua nikgut uvvului girrcillrana unyak utrarluqu. emarpermun atam ayluta nungllini ligeryaraq arllagalluqu akum- yamaluta cukerluni allqaqa mukllameng tanerluni guwinialuni wiinga cayarcerluni tungerluqu allaqaqum atakallini cunimelliluni canimellan nuterluqu nallarluqu naskuani unglluerluni ungyagun cugaluta puklluqu utagurluquyakvvanun puggluni malergerluqu ungllerluni atani puggluni nutarrluqu pikvvallaluni purrlarluni cugaluta puklluqugilluni-gicani uterrluta uterrguyamta ingrut tangerr;uqu upllua wungnin mana nukaq perrlinuk ayukluni kiiluta nutaput numtinung pikluta attama uplluta cumeng piteruts wiings uplluqu picakerliniluta tuam giterllruq attama upllua atam ayaguvet piciquteng ungraqa i-iiwa.

by Michael


Beach Cinquefoil
Potentilla pacifica

Found on the flatlands of the Yukon Delta.

Edible: yes

Preparation and Use: "The roots are called "neraset" and are gathered in Fall from mouse nests where the mice have deposited them as their winter food supply. After they are gathered, we boil them and eat them with seal oil and dry fish."

Mariann Sundown

Interview by F. Keim


People in Our Community


1. What is your job title?

2. Who is your employer?

3. What kind of training was necessary for your job?

4. What kind of education do you have?

5. Where do you work most of the time?

6. How many hours a day do you work?

7. How long do you expect to work at this job?

8. Who do you work with most of the time?

9. Who is your boss?

10. What are 4 of your job responsibilities?

11. How much is your regular salary?

12. What are the best things about your job?

13. What are the worst things about your job?

14. Do you have any advice for young people who might want to do your job later?


Mastodon Flower
Senecio congestus

Found. They are found around ponds.

Edible: Yes

Preparation and Use: We peel them and eat them raw with seal oil. they taste like wild celery.

Credit: Agnes Aguchak

By: Clifford Kaganak


Mountain Sorrel
Oxalis alpina

Found They are found beside streams and on mountain sides.

Edible Yes.

Preparation and Use The leaves are boiled after picking them and are eaten with sugar when done. The leaves are also eaten raw with seal oil or made into a delicious juice.

Credit: Theresa Hunter

Interviewed by: Barbara Hunter


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