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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Valentine's Dedications

To: Nat, Nus, Tat, Tass, Girlie, Richard, Steven, Robert
Song: Friends
Message: All for one, One for all
From: Rose Lynn Fitka

To: Natalie C. Lunt
Song: You Can't Lose Me
Message: About three months
From: RoseLynn Fitka

To: Nat Lunt
Song: Friends
Message: See you during the summer
From: Nastasia

To: Vicky Lee
Song: I'll Be Missing You
Message: Be Good
From: Dave

To: Nat
Song: I'll Remember
Message: Sorry, I never Wrote Forgive Me
From: Millie Filka

To: Nat, Nus, Tat, Rose, Girlie, Richard, Bob, Mega, and Char
Song: The Dream Is Still Alive
Message: Friends Forever
From: Tassie MHS #34

To: Kelly
Song: No Diggity
Message: One more month to go
From: Dottie

To: Kim Fitka
Song: I Need to Come to School
Message: "Ditto"
From: JPG

To: Carol Ann Sophia, Umma
Song: I Will Always Love You
Message: See you Soon
From: Mildred Fitka

To: Rose, Nus and Nat
Song: Now I'm Free
Message: Gee, how it feels
From: Tassie

To: MHS Girls Basketball
Team Song: Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Message: Let's kick some rears
From: #32

To: Skin
Song: ABC's & 123's
Message: Almost skin
From: Dave

To: Rosella Okitkun
Message: Write to me
From: Donna Rae

To: Cheryl Okitkun
Message: Never Write
From: D.R.H.

To: Derrick M. Alexie
Song: One Sweet Day
Message: Miss You
From: U-Know Who

To: Chris, Fred, and Ben
Message: Take Care and have fun
From: MJ Shorty

To: Bimba & Esther (SCM)
Song: Friends
Message: Write to me
From: MJ Shorty

To: Jolene, Kim and Nate
Message: Keep up the good work
From: MJ Shorty

To: All MHS Students
Message: Do your work and do not give up
From: MJ Shorty

To: Mandi & Leah
Song: Far Far Away
Message: See you all in June maybe
From: Flora

To: Jared, Nathaniel, and Leighton
Song: Toy Trucks and ABC's
From: Flora

To: All my loved ones that have gone before me
Song: I'll Be Missing You
Message: I know I'll see your face!
From: Mildred Fitka

To: Ben
Song: You Make Me Wanna
From: Cheryl

To: Kathy
Song: Say You'll Be There
Message: Don't get in trouble
From: Donna Hunter

To: Bonnie Beans (KSM)
Song: Friends
Message: Hurry up and write
From: Diane


Valerian Family

Valerian capitata

Vanilla Cake

vanilla cake mix

2-3 eggs

cake pan


Vanilla Cake

Pour cake mix into a bowl.

Add 2-3 eggs, and mix until lumps are gone. Then pour cake mix into pan and bake for half an hour at 350 degrees F.

After letting it cool off, put frosting on it.

Theresa George

Vera Weiser

Vera was born back in the fifty's in Minto, an Athabaskan Indian village in central Alaska. She grew up in Old Minto and went to school at the Minto BIA school up until the eighth grade. She went to Mt. Edgecumbe for her ninth through twelve grade, and she graduated from high school there. Then she went to college at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. While she was at college she studied Secondary Education and graduated there.

Vera has been working here and at Pilot Station as counselor since August. She likes her job because she likes to work with the kids. She has been interested in being a counselor every since she was young. She got her Bachelor's degree from the UAF and her Master's degree from Northern Arizona College at Flagstaff.

Vera's job keeps her stimulated because she works with students. She says that each student is different, and that she likes working with them. The best thing about her job is getting to meet new people and the worst thing is to travel because of the bad weather we get sometimes.

Tatiana Sergie


Vernon and Irene's Busy Summer

Vernon was excited about this summer because he knew he had to do a lot, like catching and putting fish away. He wasn't sure if he was going to make it through this summer to cut and put fish away, but his granddaughter Flora and his daughter Grace both helped him fish and cut fish for the winter. He was happy that they helped him and now he doesn't have to worry about dry fish.

He said he has two main things to worry about, wood for the winter and dry fish to eat. But he doesn't have to worry much about wood anymore because he has an oil stove to keep warm.

Vernon and Irene both wanted to go to fish camp but they had to stay home because their family members didn't want to worry about them. So they only checked their camp once together this summer. But Vernon helped Grace when she needed wood to keep her home warm. When he went to get wood he went by himself even though he was supposed to bring another person along who was strong enough to help him.

Vernon also fished for the school. He has always enjoyed fishing for the school because he has a lot of grandchildren here. He also gives a lot of fish to the Headstart.

Story by: Vernon Evan

Interviewed by: Carmen Pitka


Vernon Evan

Subsistence Hunter

Vernon Evan has been a subsistence hunter for many years. He was trained by experienced men who knew how to hunt. He used to watch how they set snares and traps. Vernon hunts all over the Marshall area going back of Pilcher Mountain, up and down the Yukon River and wherever the animals are. He starts hunting before daylight and returns home after dark. Vernon plans on hunting for many years but it all depends on the animal's numbers and the prices of their pelts. Many years ago, Vernon used to hunt with Moses Evan, Willie and Nancy Oney, and Ben and Charlie Fitka. His responsibilities include everything that is involved in hunting.

The best thing about his job is fishing and the worst thing is not being able to work all the time. His advice to younger people is, "The only way someone can learn anything is for them to watch carefully and do the work necessary. In that way you will learn well."

Interviewed by:

Darcy Kameroff


Vernon's Vacation Does Not
Meet Needs

Over the vacation Vernon Evan did not do much because of some small problems. He was going to move his fish trap across from Marshall near Nick Andrew's fish trap but when they put up the water fence one of the poles got stuck so Vernon kicked it and the pole collapsed. Vernon's fish net also had to be taken out of the water because the ice got too thick where he had it and it made the area too shallow to keep his net in.

"I don't feel like a man anymore," Vernon said, "I don't feel like a man anymore because I don't have a fish trap or a fish net anymore. I don't like asking others for fish but I don't have a choice right now. I also didn't have my snow machine for a while and it's hard to check a fish trap or a fish net walking unless the net is right down on the beach where I used to have it."

Vernon said that he sure does miss having some fresh fish and he hopes soon that he gets to find a good spot to set his fish net, but first he has to know how thick the ice is in the area he wants it in.

By: Chris Fitka
Vernon's Wolf Story

In the late 1930's Vernon Evans uncle told him to go out and get meat every other day. The first two times he went out he didn't see anything, but the third time he went out he saw two big black wolves. He went up close to them and they were just watching him. At that time he had never seen a wolf before in his whole life and he thought they were dogs. Even though he tried calling the wolves they would just turn and walk away from him.

When he got to Don Hunter's camp he asked if his dogs were tied up. Don said his dogs were tied up and that Vernon had seen some wolves. So that night Vernon told Don he was not going to go home till morning and he staged at Don's camp for one night.

Around midnight Vernon heard the wolves howling from all directions. The wolves would take turns howling from one direction at a time. That was when the reindeer was killed. If the wolves stopped howling that meant the wolves caught a reindeer or something they found to eat.

When Vernon got back home he told his uncle that he could not make it earlier because he had seen a couple of wolves. And he was afraid that the wolves would get him.

The old people said they used to hear wolves howl from the north side of the camp or from other directions too, and they said the wolves would get closer and closer till they finally got something to eat.

Story told by: Vernon Evan to

Tina Papp


Victor Shorty

Part 2: Lord of the Flies

My name is Jack. One year after the accident, I called my aunt and uncle in Russia to see if my friends and I could visit them for a month because my parents were going to a meeting in Washington D.C. for three weeks. My uncle said it was up to my mom and dad. Well, they said the same thing, to ask him. My uncle replied that my friends and I could stay with them just as long as we didn't get into trouble. They asked how many of my friends were coming? I said, only three of my best friends, Simon, Piggy, and Ralph. We would start heading over tomorrow on the noon flight.

That night my friends and I stayed up late until 4:30 in the morning. We played games like monopoly which is my favorite game. We got up the next morning an hour before our plane took off. We had to rush around to get our luggage together, then we called a cab to take us to the airport. It took us about 1 5 minutes to get to the airport. Then the cab overcharged us. I payed it but I told Ralph that next time he had to pay it. He agreed, and when we got out of the cab we ran up to the terminal and showed them our tickets. Then we ran to the plane and made it just one minute before they closed the door.

On our way over to Russia, while we were crossing the Bering Sea, the pilot announced that we were going to have an emergency landing. I was still too sleepy to understand but I could feel the plane suddenly losing power. I told my friends to put their heads down so nothing would happen if we crashed. While we were going down I was saying a prayer that my mom taught me from church. I was really scared when we crash landed in the ocean near an island.

When we were swimming in the water I dived down to save the pilot.

About 30 seconds later I came up out of the water with the pilot. His face had a lot of cuts on it from broken glass. I was shocked when I saw him. He looked like he was dead. Then I told Ralph to dive under and get the rubber raft and get a couple of paddles so we could get to the island. Forty-five seconds later Ralph came out of the water with the raft. All of us then climbed into the raft and paddled across to the island. It took us about an hour to paddle to the island because the ocean was rough. But as soon as we got near the island it started to get calm. After pulling up the raft, I told Ralph and Piggy to gather wood and big leaves so we could make a shelter and fire, and warm up.

Even though we were all thirsty and hungry and tired, we decided to go to bed and then check around in the morning for food and water. The next morning Simon got up early and took a walk around the island. After he found water, he rushed back to us and woke us up.

Two days later we were rescued by some Russian sailors. The sailors then took us to their ship where we were so happy we started to cry. They said we would be heading home soon, but first we had to go to Petropavlovsk to refuel. Maybe an American plane would be there to meet us? We sure hope so.





One day there was a young boy who liked running dogs. His name was Henry Morgan. He started running dogs when he was in the first grade he ran one dog at a time. He used to run dogs every day after school at two o'clock. When he was done running dogs he fed about 15 dogs. The dogs belonged to his uncle. His uncle's name was James Michael Rinehart. He was 34 years old. By the time Henry was in the 5th grade he ran about 5 dogs at a time and went about 7 miles every day after school at 2 o'clock.

One day he never ran dogs because his uncle had a heartattack. His wife gave Henry a letter. "If you take care of the dogs he could have them all." So the next day he ran 12 dogs and from then on went as far as their favorite fishing spot. He felt proud to be the owner of a twelve-dog team.

The end.

Victor Shorty


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