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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Y1 Fishing

This summer I did a lot of traveling by boat, hunting, fishing, logging, swimming, and water skiing. But the one I want to share with you is the fishing trip I took to my great uncle's fish camp to commercial fish.

It was June 9, and everybody was leaving town for their fishing areas. I just awoke from staying up too late the night before with some friends, and I went out to the living room to get something to eat. Sitting on the table was my mom, and on his lazyboy was my dad watching T.V.

"After you are done eating get ready to go fish camp," my dad said in a loud voice. So after eating I got my fishing stuff ready, then we went to the boat and started down the river. I was getting excited because I knew I would see some people that fished close by us. But as we were passing our camp I was wondering what was going on? We were actually going to Y1, and all this time I'd thought we were going to fish up here. When I asked my dad where we were going fishing, he answered, "We're going down river!" Then I started thinking of seeing my cousin, and what we might do there.

After we passed our camp we saw a female bear and her cubs. When I got tired of standing I sat back down on our gas tank. After a while I was getting bored sitting down for so long and since I was still sleepy I thought I would take a nap.

The next thing I knew I was awakened by large waves, and I stood up to find out where we were. At first I did not know where we were, but then I realized that we were by Boreal, a cannery located below Pitka's Point. Then I asked, "how much further is the fish camp?" My dad answered that Boreal was only half-way from Marshall to their camp.

I was thinking in my head, "Holy smokes, so we have about 2 or 3 hours left." It was a very long ride, and that night we never made it to our auntie and uncle's fish camp. By 3 a.m. it was very dark so we stopped and camped in the boat.

When we got up next morning my dad tried calling by VHF for our relatives. Finally they answered, and my dad told them that we couldn't find their camp. We gave them our location and they figured that we were right outside their camp. It turned out that we were!

After the fishing opening was over we got some sleep. When we woke up we got something to eat then we headed back up to Marshall. On our way up, about a mile or two away from my great uncle's fish camp we ran into some huge waves. A couple of times when we plowed through the waves, there was so much water that came splashing into the boat that we could not see through the windows of our cabin for a few seconds. When we finally got to Marshall I was glad to be home. But the next day we went back down again.

So about half my summer I was traveling between downriver and Marshall, and I was getting tired of traveling back and forth. But I had tons of fun with my cousins. Once while drifting during an opening a king salmon even jumped into our boat. And because I had a lot of fun time flew by quickly, and pretty soon fishing was over and we came back home to help put fish away for the summer.

By: Matthew Shorty


Yéil and His Wife

Yéil lived with his wife on the other side of Lituya Bay in a rock house. They journeyed from Lituya Bay to Dry Bay hunting and fishing. As they travelled up the coast, they passed Icy Bay and Cape Yakutaga. Then they camped.

Early the next morning, Yéil sighted two whales and prepared to go after them. He began to load their canoe, urging his wife to hurry. His wife began to load the canoe with her things. Yéil became angry because she put too much stuff in the canoe.

After they got out to the ocean, he said that the canoe was overloaded. So he grabbed her sewing basket and threw it into the ocean where it turned into a rock and is still there today.

Yéil sighted two whales, one small one, and one large one. He said to his wife, "Cover your face and close your eyes. You must not see me spear the whale."

Yéil had everything he needed in the canoe: the spear, the line and the buoy. He followed the two whales, paddling the canoe. When he came close enough he grabbed his spear and got ready to throw it. At that moment, his wife uncovered her face and opened her eyes. Then they and their boat and the whale all turned to rocks.

So today you see the two islands in front of Katalla. That island we call "Yaay X'aat'ee" (Whale Island) is where the small whale is now. There is also a small island on the side of Yaay X'aat'ee, and to the south of that island you can see Yéil's spear and his buoy. All of them turned into rocks because Yéil's wife forgot what she was told.

Elaine Abraham


Young Jonathan

When Jonathan was small he had two remote control cars. We had Willie Paul over to play with him. When they got tired of playing with the remote control cars they would play boats in the tub. Inside the boats they had spiderman riding inside the boats.

When Jonathan was three years old he had two horses, one rocking horse and another one that had springs. He and Christopher would play cowboys and Indians on them. They were fun to watch. They would also let Jumbo, the house dog, be the Indian, and they would capture the Indian and tie him up.

We didn't live very far from his grandparents' house. One minute he might be playing at the playground, and the next minute he'd be gone. When he'd run away I'd panic. Then I'd run around looking for him. But he would be at my parents house safe and sound.

When he was five years old he used to travel around by boat with my parents. Almost every time his grandpa went out hunting Jonathan would go out with them. Sometimes they would be back after it got dark out. Once he told me how his Uppa shot a bear. He even told me that the bear growled loud after his Uppa shot it. Jonathan told me that same evening that he'd be a good hunter just like his Uppa when he got big.

By: Daisy Coffee


Look To The Stars

Your Personal Horoscope

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19

Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.

Outlook: Your hot temper will only get you in hot water.

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20

Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.

Outlook: If you are too stubborn no one will want to be your Valentine.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20

Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.

Outlook: If you gossip too much, someone might want to beat you up.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22

Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, home-loving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.

Outlook: If you are too emotional, you might cry if someone asks you to be their Valentine.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22

Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.

Outlook: You will get a Simba Valentine card from your Valentine.

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22

Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.

Outlook: Tidiness is like cleanliness, It's next to godliness.

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22

Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.

Outlook: You might get a lot of Valentines this year but I don't know about me.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21

Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.

Outlook: If your temper is quick, people might slowly move away from you.

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21

Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.

Outlook: If you get too warm, your blood might boil and that wouldn't feel too cool.

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19

Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.

Outlook: If you are too cautious you might cramp your brain.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20 - 2/18

Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.

Outlook: If you are too open-minded, your brains might fall out

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20

Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.

Outlook: Imagine you were married and fake being emotional. Then pretend being intelligently sensitive. Don't be vague whatever you do.

*Horoskops wr knot resrcht using profeshnal sors*


Look To The Stars
Your Personal Horoscope

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22
Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.
Outlook: You will have great luck catching turkeys this month.

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22
Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.
Outlook: Be thankful that Halloween is over, it was too scary.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21
Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.
Outlook: If you make a pumpkin pie for turkey day, you'll have more to eat.

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21
Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.
Outlook: Don't be alarmed if you start growing feathers, you're hitting your adult stage.

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19
Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.
Outlook: Be happy that Christmas is almost here, you need a break.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20 - 2/18
Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.
Outlook: Go out and catch a wild turkey and you will become a true warrior to all mankind.

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20
Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.
Outlook: Give small children lots of turkey so they can grow more.

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19
Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.
Outlook: You will gain about forty pounds eating this holiday season. Don't try to lose it, you look great.

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20
Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.
Outlook: Do something you've never done before on your vacation.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20
Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.
Outlook: Dress like pilgrims and grow your own corn.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22
Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, home-loving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.
Outlook: Nobody wants to feed you, you'll probably have to eat worms.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22
Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.
Outlook: You're so cheeful, you're so powerful, you're so generous... so why don't you act that way?

*Horoscopes were not researched using professional source *


Look To The Stars

Your Personal Horoscope

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22
Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.
Outlook: If you want to be successful try changing your socks (you attract flies).

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22
Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.
Outlook: Your "pure'' body will be "gone" at the stroke of twelve.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21
Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.
Outlook: Your secrets you keep from yourself will make you very aggressive.

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21
Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.
Outlook: Be generous to others this month and you will get lots of Christmas presents.

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19
Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.
Outlook: You'll lose your patience, but leave it alone and it will come home,
wagging its tail behind it.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20-2/18
Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.
Outlook: Your curiosity about how the waves smell will be fulfilled and your open mind will catch a cold.

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20
Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.
Outlook: This would be a good to time to prepare for ice fishing. Practice being sensitive to the fish.

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19
Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.
Outlook: Your hot temper will win you a trip to the White House, so keep it up!

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20
Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.
Outlook: You'll be motivated to plant a tree and grow a garden, but you will get stubborn.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20
Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.
Outlook: You will have a close encounter with aliens while picking raspberries for jam.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22
Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, homeloving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.
Outlook: You will have a great adventure, looking for keepsakes in the dump.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22
Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.
Outlook: You will hit the jackpot looking for money underneath the store stairs.

*Horoscopes were not conducted through a professional source*


Look To The Stars

Your Personal Horoscope

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22
Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.
Outlook: Your inner spooks will be revealed, don't scare yourself!

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22
Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.
Outlook: Don't eat too much, or you won't need a Halloween costume.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21
Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.
Outlook: Stay home on Halloween. You scare too many people!

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21
Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.
Outlook: You were born on a lousy day. But don't worry, be happy!

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19
Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.
Outlook: You will get good treasures during trick-or-treating.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20 - 2/18
Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.
Outlook: Don't steal other kids' candy or you won't receive any Christmas presents.

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20
Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.
Outlook: Create an imaginative costume and you will get lots of candy.

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19
Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.
Outlook: Wear your birthday suit for a costume and you will make everyone smile.

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20
Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.
Outlook: Quit being stingy. If you give candy you will get candy.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20
Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.
Outlook: Go to a Halloween party as a pickle and everyone will give you a tickle.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22
Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, homeloving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.
Outlook: Go trick or treating this year instead of hiding in the closet like last year.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22
Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.
Outlook: If you give out money for treats this year, you will be a millionaire when you grow up.

*Horoscopes were not researched using professional source*

Look To The Stars
Your Personal Horoscope

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19
Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.
Outlook: Be patient with the energizer bunny. He might put a battery in your Easter basket.

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20
Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.
Outlook: Don't be too moody because the bunny might not bring you a caramel egg.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20
Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.
Outlook: If you are too curious the Easter bunny might skip you.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22
Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, homeloving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.
Outlook: If you are too shy when someone asks you to help them find Easter eggs you might not eat eggs for breakfast.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22
Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.
Outlook: Don't dress too colorful. The bunny might mistake you for one of his lost eggs.

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22
Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.
Outlook: Be careful and don't let anyone break your egg or you'll have bad luck cooking.

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22
Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.
Outlook: Your friendliness guarantees you will find a lot of eggs this year.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21
Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.
Outlook: If you are too secretive, the bunny might curse you when you search for eggs.

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21
Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.
Outlook: If you are too cheerful, you might find a raw egg.

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19
Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.
Outlook: Don't be too patient. Remember the bunny does not hand out eggs.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20 - 2/18
Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.
Outlook: If you are too serious, the bunny might not let you have a basket. So smile!

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20
Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.
Outlook: Throughout the Easter month, be emotional, imaginative, intelligent and sensitive, but don't ever be vague.

*Horoscopes wr knot resrcht usng profeshunal sors*


Look To The Stars
Your Personal Horoscope

Virgo~The Virgin 8/23-9/22
Characteristics: careful, efficient, modest, orderly, practical, tidy.
Outlook: You'll finally get something you wished for years ago, your two front teeth.

Libra~ The Scales 9/23-10/22
Characteristics: companionable, diplomatic, friendly, intelligent, pleasant, thoughtful.
Outlook: Your friends are going to give you a surprise reindeer. Don't tell them I told you.

Scorpio~ The Scorpion 10/23-11/21
Characteristics: aggressive, intense moody, passionate, secretive, quick tempered.
Outlook: Santa thinks you were bad this year, so don't expect nice presents.

Sagittarius~ The Archer 11/22-12/21
Characteristics: cheerful, enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, relaxed, warm.
Outlook: Rudolf is going to drop in for a surprise visit on the night before Christmas.

Capricorn~ The Goat 12/22-1/19
Characteristics: ambitious, cautious, dignified, patient, persistent, practical.
Outlook: Santa will choose you to deliver presents to him this year.

Aquarius~ The Water Bearer 1/20 - 2/18
Characteristics: curious, independent, modern, open-minded, outgoing serious.
Outlook: Learn how to herd reindeer and you could be the next Chris Kringle.

Pisces~The Fishes 2/19-3/20
Characteristics: emotional, imaginative, intelligent, sensitive, vague.
Outlook: You ate too much moose meat this fall and you're going to grow antlers. Now Santa may mistake you for one of his reindeer.

Aries~ The Ram 3/21-4/19
Characteristics: bold, courageous, determined, energetic, hot tempered, impatient.
Outlook: You'll get everything you wished for on your birthday at Christmas.

Taurus~ The Bull 4/20-5/20
Characteristics: affectionate, conservative, loyal, sensible, possessive, stubborn.
Outlook: If you take more than you give, this year, you won't get any presents.

Gemini~ The Twins 5/21-6/20
Characteristics: curious, lively, moody, restless, talkative, witty.
Outlook: You don't have to worry about acting this year for your Christmas play because you're going to be Scrooge.

Cancer~ The Crab 6/21 - 7/22
Characteristics: Artistic, emotional, homeloving, instinctive, patriotic, shy.
Outlook: Even if you dream of a white Christmas, it isn't going to happen.

Leo~ The Lion 7/23 - 8/22
Characteristics: cheerful, colorful, kind, generous, powerful, proud.
Outlook: Before you cut down a Christmas tree this year, remember, that tree deserves to live as much as you do.

*Horoscopes were not researched using professional source*











ice cream cone

Homemade Snow Ice Cream

- Gerilyn Fitka

Lard Akutaq

- Gerilyn Fitka


- Marcia George

Fried Bread

- Marcia George

Blueberries and Cake

- Carmen Pitka/Nancy Fitka

Homemade Blueberry Pie

- Carmen Pitka/Olga Soolook

Popcorn Balls

- Marcia George

Chocolate Chip Cookies

- Marcia George

Fried Bread

- Angela Kameroff

Salmon Berry Syrup

- Angela Kameroff

Fruit Salad

- Angela Kameroff

Chocolate Cake

- Angela Kameroff/Lula Teganlakla

Blueberry Pie

- Carmen Pitka/Dora Pitka

Peanut Butter Cookies

- Theresa George


- Carmen Pitka

Fry Bread

- Carmen Pitka

Sugar Cookies

- Olga Moxie

Chocolate Cake

- Olga Moxie

Vanilla Cake

- Theresa George

Jello (Grape)

- Theresa George


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