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Yup'ik Raven This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He wants to share these works for others to use as an example of culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned and are available for educational use only.

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Bear Fire
Stories and Poems
about Bears

by Marshall High School
Language Arts Classes
Spring, 1992

Creative Stories from the Imagination

True Stories from Experience



A Bear that Visited

On the night of October 1, 1986, Martha was awakened by a loud thump and a dog barking. When she went out to check on it, she could see a big black figure standing there. But thinking it was just a dog, she went back inside. When the dog began to bark again, this time she went out to her smoke house, about 10 feet away from her house. There she saw a very big Brown bear looking at her. And when it started after her, Martha ran behind a drum, pushing it down before the bear took a big swing at her. Terrified, she ran into her house and woke up Fred Smart. After he saw the bear was right outside playing with a red 350 ATV, Fred went back in the house to get a rifle. Then he searched for the bear. He found it by Charlie Evan's house, and when he took his first shot at it, it ran towards Martha's house. When he shot again and again it kept on running. Finally, after the last two shots were fired it fell down and died.



A Bear that Visited

By: Martha Evan

As told to Barbara Andrew


A bear's growl makes me feel unsafe.

It makes me tremble like a leaf

that wants to break.

It scares me

before I go to sleep at night.

The growl can come from anywhere in the trees,

from a bear digging in my trash

and eating up my left overs

and snorting out the food stuck on its nose

and growling at me.

When I think it's coming after me,

it gives me a BIG chill!

BY: Carmen Pitka



A lot of bears

In the summertime my family Fred, Anna, Sophie Ann, Andrea and I went for a boat ride to Kwig. We were in this long slough on about the sixth bend when we saw two cubs on a tree. While we were going to shore the momma bear came straight at me. I got kind of scared when it was coming at me. I was going to borrow Fred's .243 rifle but I used my own gun instead. When it started charging towards me I aimed towards mouth. Then I started shooting into its mouth. I shot about seven times in the mouth and on the head. It fellover struggled in the mud for a bit, then died.

Meanwhile the cubs were still on top of the tree. We left them there, and after a few minutes, we left to our fish camp. It just took us 45 minutes to go down. While we were going out of Kwig we saw lots of ducks and geese.

A couple days later we went into Tukchak Slough. We also went up the Cuelenguq River where we saw four Brown bears. After we saw the second bear we went to shore and fished for awhile. We caught pike, trout and Dolly Varden. After I caught a couple of pike and one trout, we went back to camp, cooked them up and ate them for supper.

Victor Shorty

A lot of bears


What is the color of polar
The color of polar is blue

What is the color of a bear
The color of a bear is white

What is white and blue
Why, a Polar bear of course.

A Polar Bear Poem

The Polar bear is the king of animals. It can kill anything it gets its
paws on.
Even though the Polar bear is the king of animals we still can be his

The Polar bear may see you from a distance, but it may not come for you.

Unless it becomes your enemy,
Then you have to watch it carefully.

The Polar bear is here on earth for a reason.

It is a part of the animal kingdom
just like us.

By: Tina Marie Papp


On a hot summer day, my uncle and auntie took me and a couple of my friends out on a boat ride. First we went to an island called Goose Island and we had a picnic. Then my uncle brought us to Kwik Island for a swim.

When we were swimming my uncle suddenly told us to get out of the water 'right now'. So we got out and dried ourselves off. Then he said that he saw a bear swimming toward us. My friends and I got really scared. So we quickly took our wet clothes off and put our dry clothes on and went into the boat.

We waited in the boat for about an hour and a half. Finally my uncle said that we were going home, but when he tried to start the engine, it wouldn't start.

As the bear swam to us, my friends and I got really scared. One of my friends even started to cry. My uncle quickly started working on the engine.

When he was finally done working on the engine, the brown bear was only ten feet away.

As the bear came closer in the water, my uncle finally remembered that he had a .338 rifle. He aimed it at the bear and shot it right between the eyes.

After it died we put the bear in the boat and went home.

An Adventurous Day



One summer when I was a young teen-ager my brothers and sisters went out for a boat ride and didn't return when expected. So my folks, Martin and myself went out looking for them. Of course, my Dad had his gun along.

Dad headed up the river through the slough above Marshall. Just as we were across Wilson Slough we spotted a Black bear on the beach. The bear became aware of the boat and headed up into the brush. Being my folks liked bear meat, Dad went after it while the rest of us remained in the boat. The bear climbed a huge Cottonwood tree not far from the bank. My Dad shot at it as it was climbing the tree. The bullet found its mark and the bear let out an almost human-like cry and fell to the ground.

I helped my dad haul the meat back to the boat but for a long time after bear meat did not appeal to me because of the human-like cry it made as it was struck.

The End!!!


An Unexpected Bear Hunt

Told by Carol Manumik

Writing by Henry S Manumik

Asiatic Black Bear

Asiatic Black Bear

Asiatic Black Bear (Selenarotos thibetanus)

There are about 12 different kinds of bears in the world, but the one that I think stands out the most is the Asiatic Black bear. This bear lives in the southern part of Asia. Its range is from the northern tip of China to the central part of Russia. Although this bear isn't very big, it is very fierce. It is about five feet tall and 1.5 meters in length. It weighs about 250-300 pounds depending upon where it is located in Asia. The northern Asian Black bears are a little bit larger than the ones south of them. This is because of the colder climate. They need the extra bulk to stay warm. These bears have three different names: Moon bear, Himalayan bear, and Asiatic Black bear. The most common name they go by is Asiatic Black bear.

Most of the time these bears are calm and gentle, but they are known to be fierce as well. There are reports that this bear has killed cattle, sheep, and on occasion man. The bear probably didn't attack the man on purpose because they are afraid of man. It was most probably a provoked attack.

When winter comes to Asia, the Moon bear finds a den and falls asleep. This bear doesn't really hibernate though because it doesn't sleep very long. It is special because before it goes to sleep, it makes its own bed to sleep on out of twigs and grass.

This bear mostly eats meat and vegetation. During its life time it may have 15 cubs. It is also very fond of honey. When it finds honey in the wild, it will stop at nothing to get the honey from the bees. This bear has a population of about 25,000 in Asia. The future of this bear looks great.

Resources: Ecyclopedia B.

By: Leslie Hunter Jr.

One day a young 9 year old boy named Austin Roehl decided to take a walk into the forest to look for unusual animals. He was a boy who cared for animals, especially little animals. He didn't like it much when he saw baby animals left to die with no parents.

While taking his weekly walk he saw the same old animals over and over again. One day though he saw a baby animal that he had never seen before. He had heard stories from people about what bears looked like but he had never seen one. This little baby had the same description as a bear cub: heavy, short when walking on his hind legs and front legs, tall when he stands up to get something. Austin was very amused to finally see how a baby bear really looked. But something also looked wrong about this bear. He didn't look exactly like a bear at all. This little bear was looking for food and crying very loud like he was looking for his mother. Austin really wanted to go up to the bear cub and pet it, but he remembered what his father used to tell him about not going up to a bear cub just in case his mother might be lurking around the corner. So Austin and the bear cub just looked at each other in suspense, each one waiting for the other to make the first move.

All of a sudden the cub talked to him. He said, "Why are you so scared of me?" Austin replied, "I ain't, but ain't your mom around the corner waiting to kill me so you guys can eat me for dinner?" When Austin asked that question the cub started to cry. "My mother was killed a day ago by a man just playing around trying to look big and all for his girlfriend! So you don't say bad things about my mother!" he said.

"So you're an orphan. Do you want to be my pet? If you will be my pet I will give you a name, a good place to stay and all the food you want to eat." All the cub could do was nod his head up and down. "Well, okay, your name will be, hey wait a minute, are you a boy cub or a girl cub?"

The cub answered, "I am a boy cub, of course!"

"Okay then, you didn't have to get mad at all! Your name will be Sterling, if that's okay with you? It's okay with me."

That day Sterling and Austin got to know each other very well. They talked, played games and all the other things that friends do to get to know each other. Finally, when it was getting late Austin remembered his mother told him to be home in time for dinner, and he and Sterling started walking towards home!

When they got there Austin told Sterling to wait outside while he went in and got his parents to tell them the great news. When he got inside the house his mother asked him what new animals he had seen. He didn't want to answer that question so he asked her where his dad was? His mother said in the living room watching T.V. When Austin went to get his dad, he said, "Come on dad, I have something to show you and mom outside, hurry up, this can't wait forever."

His parents didn't really want to see what he brought home, so they walked out very sluggishly. And when his father, Jeff, saw what Austin had brought home he told his wife to get back into the house. He then ran over to his son and grabbed him by the arm. Austin started screaming, and Sterling got very mad at his dad's reaction and he started to charge Jeff. Jeff got really scared and left his son alone. Austin then ran up to Sterling and gave him a really big hug to try to calm him down. He said, "My dad was only trying to protect me from you. He thinks that bears are mean and like to eat people." Sterling understood and licked Austin's face and started playing around. When Jeff saw what was going on, he started to laugh. Then he got enough courage up to go outside and have fun with his son and the bear cub.

As the years passed, Austin and Sterling became very close, telling each other everything they had done and everything they heard from other people. Austin fell in love with a girl named Melinda and got married, and Sterling continued to be their pet. Soon though the day would come for Sterling also to fall in love with another bear just like himself. But until that day came they all would live happily together.

By LaVerne Manumik

Austin and his friend the Bear Cub


I can see your brown dog eyes
when I remember,
your sudden glare into mine
when I stared back
and quick as a blink
I caught the safety with my thumb
And pointed but
charged and I yelled
Stop! and you stopped
and stared up at me again
from down in the shadow of the draw
and I sternly warned you
Don 't to it! And you did,
lowering your heavy head
of burnt chocolate fur
and lifting the five dagger claws
of your left paw...
then I had to shoot,
and the dust b1ew up from the dry creek bed
and flew up past your nostrils like a
microcosm atom bomb
stinging your hair,
stopping you in your tracks wildly
flinging your black nose
down and around
and up at me
and locking your eyes just
for an instant
one last time
into mine glaring back,
then you turned and raced away through the willows,
and I never saw you again
but I won't forget you

Frank Keim




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