Learn & Serve Focus
Village Elders and other Native adults were asked to share their
knowledge and became vital participants in the development of this
curriculum, providing input on topics selection, protocol, background
information and cultural relevancy.
The Learn and Serve Program is grateful to them for the time they
spent and for their input on this curriculum. This advisory committee
was made up of representatives selected by the Village Councils from
Mentasta and Chistochina, to form these Learn & Serve Program
Focus Groups.
Thank you to the Chistochina and Mentasta artists whose baskets,
moccasins, baby carriers, drums and traditional clothing and
artifacts have been included in this curriculum.

Courtesy of Megan Holloway
Elaine Sinyon and Nora
Elder, Lena Charley
Chantelle Pence
Evelyn Beeter
Megan Holloway
Marilynn Beeter
Paulette Jerome
Gerry Christensen
Wilson Justin
Joan Herrmann
Elaine Sinyon
Joeneal Hicks
Elder, Katie John
Sandy John-Koyukuk
Evelyn Beeter
Kathryn Martin
Barbara Dalke
Rosie Rice
Nora David
Erica Tibbits
Carol Evans
Lori Weisz
Joan Herrmann
Lisa Wolf
Megan Holloway
Lotha Wolf
Barb Dalke and Katie

Courtesy of Joan Herrmann