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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Curriculum Resources for the Alaskan Environment

Subject Areas: English, art, typing, printing

Timeline: ongoing

Grade Levels: 9-12

Purpose: to involve high school students in designing materials for elementary classes; to draw upon the students' life experiences for language arts projects


T. Gillespie
Elementary Reader



Square bullet Activities

Adapt freely from an existing reading model or develop your own.

Have students design texts, workbooks, exercises, tests, a bilingual version, etc.

Allow the students to incorporate a work and study style that is congruent with the community, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

Give the students free reign to experiment with illustrations.

Mimeo the text; add linoleum-and-wood block prints of the illustrations, to produce an inexpensive cheap package.

Square bullet Resources

local history, natural history, mimeo machine, block printing materials, and existing model to work from

Cultures in the North. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Center for Cross-Cultural Studies.

list of publications and audiovisual material for teachers

Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Alaska State Library


Make accompanying audiovisuals or order from the state library.

Produce readers on various subjects.

Have older students work directly with younger students, implementing the readers.


Artist in Residence Program

Community Mural Project

Elder Posters and Interviews

Literature from Life History and Village Lore

Bilingual Exercise

Illustrated History of Eskimo Games

Freeze-Up Essays

Literacy Bank

Elementary Reader

Grant and Proposal Writing

Student A/V Presentation

"Focus on Your Village," a short videotaped news program

Developmental Photography

Film and Video Scripting


Producing a Play

Ceramics-Chess Class

Block Print Sales

Weavers Guild



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified August 17, 2006