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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Tlingit RavenPauline Duncan's Tlingit Curriculum Resources - Posters

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How to make




Tlingit Art


Tlingit Art


Students Cultural Standards met;
A-1 Practice their traditional responsibilities to the surrounding environment.
C-1 Perform subsistence activities that are appropriate to local cultural traditions.
E-8 Identify and appreciate who they are in their place in the world.

Educators Cultural Standards met:
A-4 Provide opportunities for students to learn through observation and hands-on demonstration of cultural knowledge of skills.
A-6 Involve themselves in learning about the local cultures.
B-1 Regularly engages students in appropriate activities.
B-3 Provide integrated learning activities, organized around themes of local significance and across subject areas.
B-5 Seek to ground all teaching in a constructive process, built on a local cultural foundation.

Curriculum Cultural Standards met:
A-5 Provides opportunities for students to study all subjects starting from a base in the local knowledge system.

Community Cultural Standards met:
C-5 Provides opportunities for all community members to acquire and practice the appropriate knowledge and skills associated with local cultural traditions.
D-3 Adopts the adage, "It takes the whole village to raise a child."
E-2 Encourages teachers to make use of facilities and expertise in the community to demonstrate that education is a community-wide process, involving everyone as teachers.
E-4 Attempts to articulate the cultural knowledge, values and beliefs that it wishes teachers to incorporate into the school curriculum.
F-1 Takes an active part in the development of the mission, goals and content of the local educational program.

Alaska Standards for culturally Responsive Schools, published by the Alaska Native Knowledge Network, 1998.

Alaska Standards

A-2 Select and use appropriate systems, units, and tools of measurement, including estimation.
A-4 Represent, analyze, and use mathematical patterns, relations and functions, using methods such as tables, equations, and graphs.
B-6 Use common sense to help interpret results.
B-7 Apply what was learned to new situations.
B-8 Use mathematics with confidence.
C-1 Express and represent mathematical ideas using oral and written presentations, physical materials, pictures, graphs, charts, and algebraic expressions.
E-2 Use mathematics in daily life.
E-3 Use mathematics in other curriculum areas.

English/Language Arts
B-1 Comprehend meaning from written text and oral and visual information by applying a variety of reading, listening and viewing strategies include phonic, context, and vocabulary cues in reading, critical viewing, and active listening.
E-1 Use information, both oral and written, and literature of many types and cultures to understand self and others.

A-7 Understand how the earth changes because of plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, erosion and deposition, and living things. (process that shape the earth)
A-15 Use science to understand and describe the local environment.
D-1 Apply scientific knowledge and skills to understand issues and everyday events.

Government and Citizenship
C-4 Understand the importance of the historical and current roles of Alaska Native communities.
E-1 Know the important characteristics of citizenship.
G-5 Understand how jobs are created and their role in the economy.

Guwakaan Káa -|- Deer Hoof Rattler -|- Devil Club Stick -|- State Cultural Standards



© Pauline Duncan January, 2002


How to Make a Deer Hide Drum

How to Make a Deer Hoof Rattler & Devil Club Stick

How to Make Tlingit Dried Fish


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified August 18, 2006