Winter Studies
The Dene'
Indigenous People of Interior
Kindergarten Unit
FNSBSD Alaska Native Education
Unit: Athabascan (Dene')
Winter Family Activities Daily Life and Art
Lesson: Host or attend an Athabascan
Day 10:
Students will demonstrate what they have learned in the
Dene' unit by hosting or attending an Athabascan Winter Gathering
or Potlatch.
Collecting of materials and things made in the Dene' unit
Invitation, passing the word along about the gathering, invite
parents, another classroom or across grade levels (this may be a
school-wide culmination project and not be done in consecutive
order of days)
Arrange for an appropriate space for guests and students
-request parents to bring celebration goodies
-commercially smoked fish, berries, or frybread
Request a student's grandparent or speaker from ANE resource
listing to attend
Any games materials for the games students demonstrate
Drum and beater
Students will participate in a winter gathering/potlatch.
Students will demonstrate activities associated with
traditional winter camp and celebrations.
Students will demonstrate general knowledge and respect of
traditional and contemporary Athabascan winter activities.
Select and practice song, dance, stories or other things
you wish to perform (if more than one class, assign tasks to each
You can make it like several houses in a village are preparing
to host/attend a gathering)
Coordinating with other building personnel involved
Arrange for preparation of food, space for guests, etc.
Display student work, fish, coloring books, etc.
Introduction: (set/purpose)
Brainstorm with the students about "who do they invite to
parties and holiday celebrations today?" Responses will include:
family members, friends, distant relatives, teachers, people from
our church or girl/boy scout troops etc.
If this is part of a school-wide or grade level potlatch,
explain that they will be attending a celebration and
demonstrate/perform some of the games, songs they learned these
past two weeks.
If they are the hosts explain that the class will be sending
invitations to individuals to attend and see them
demonstrate/perform some of the activities they have learned.
Activity: (input/guided practice)
Determine and assign demonstration or performance groups
Select and practice grade level song and dance
Prepare food for the winter gathering
Prepare area to host the winter gathering
Decorate with paper dolls, tent, language and coloring pages
Recreate or tell one of the stories they have heard
Invite the Elder/Artists or Parents back to share or lead group
Review for students information related to:
-What happens at winter camp
-What foods are eaten
-What activities children and adults participate in at
winter camp, hunting, trapping, socializing, storytelling, foot
races, visiting, etc.
Activity: (closure)
Students will work in a cooperative manner to make
necessary preparations to attend or host a small winter gathering
with an understanding that winter season activities lead into
spring camp related activities.
Activity: (independent practice)
Perform their dance and song for guests at the winter
Demonstrate their Dene' games and story for guests at the
winter gathering

ANE Curriculum
Unit Overview
Art Sampler