These pictures are showing Dunia (Kameroff) Holmberg and Fred Holmberg Sr.’s uncles and aunties, brothers and sisters, also other relatives of theirs. The spot that this family made their fish camp is now the village of Upper Kalskag which expands to Lower village of Kalskag.
The first family that made their fish camp along this Kuskokwim river was Nicholas, his sister Okalena Kameroff, his wife Olinga (Avakumoff) Kameroff and their eight children
Holmberg Collection
                                        Images courtesy of Dunia Holmberg
Fred Holmberg Sr. age 22
Uppa (grandpa) Aleck Holmberg
Dunia (Kameroff) Holmberg
Dunia age 17
Olga, Dunia, Uncle & bear
Evan Kelila
Alexander Vaska & Paul Kameroff Sr.
Dunia & sister Olga
Group photo from Dunia
Wassillie Kameroff
First truck of Kalskag
Golga & Bear
Therese, Dunia & Ursala
Golga & Olga Kameroff
Golga Kameroff
John & Sara Kameroff
Julie,Kathy,Olinga Kameroff , & Billy Nesbit
mammoth tusk that Paul Holmberg found
Bernice & Granny
Granny eating muluk
Wayne & Timmy