These pictures are of my family, which consists of the late Sinka Williams, his wife Ida and their family.  Before that are my great grandparents.  Some of these pictures are from way before my grandparents even got married.  For instance my grandpa and Wassillie Evan were in the military  when he was a young boy. As his life goes on he is in Anchorage. Then he is married with grandchildren.  His first child, Molly Nicolai, graduated from high school in 1978. His first grandchild, Naamen Hoelscher, graduated from headstart in 1984.  At the same time his grandson graduated his other daughter graduated from high school. Then his son, Sinka Williams Jr. and his friends were “how Kalskag” used to look long ago. Some photos show Sinka and the younger ones at spring camp. After spring camp, there’s summer camp, or fish camp, where he and his family practice subsistence living, get out of Kalskag for the summer, and get some fish for the winter. Much later in Sinka’s life there’s a picture of him and his oldest granddaughter with a wolf that he caught. - Nicolette Nicolai
Nicolai Collection
                                   Images courtesy of Molly Nicolai & Ida Williams
John & Anna Elia, early stage of cancer for Ana
Wassillie Evan & Sinka Williams
Sinka Williams, Anchorage
Sinka Williams in Anchorage
Naamen Hoelscher preschool graduation, 1984, Grandparents Ida & Sinka Williams
Molly Wlliams (Nicolai) graduation 1978
Graduating Class of 1978 Lower Kalskag Town Hall
Adrienne Williams (Kerr) graduation 1984
Irene Washington,  Agnes Kameroff, Liz Alexie, Maryann Crisco BIA school Lower Kalskag
Ephrim White, Sinka Williams Jr., Charlie Evan, Lower Kalskag
Joseph, Ida, Anna, Sinka  Williams, and Anastasia Holmberg at Spring Camp
Fish camp 1982
Sinka Williams working on the  waterpump @  Fish camp
Sinka getting fish Kuskokwim River
SInka Williams & grandson Naamen Hoelscher
Sinka Williams, granddaughter Andrea Hoelscher & wolf