Alaska Science Camps, Fairs & Experiments
ANKN is a resource for compiling and exchanging information
related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing. We
are pleased to create and distribute a variety of publications
that assist Native people, government agencies,
educators and the general public in gaining access to the knowledge
base that Alaska Natives have acquired through cumulative experience
over millennia.
Contact the ANKN
offices at 907-474-1902 or email Developing a
Science Fair Project
Find a topic of personal interest. See the connection between the
subject and your life. Once that connection is made, you will have
the energy to carry you through the tough places.
You will be the expert when you are done.
All year long you should be looking and thinking about a science
project. When you run into a problem, store it in your memory until
the time to develop science projects.
A science project is the opportunity to get school credit and use
school resources to find out something you have been wondering for a
long time. If you do well, you could even take a trip to the state or
national science fairs.
Decide if you are going to do a collection, a demonstration, or an
experiment. Grades K-5 can do any of the three. Grades 6-12 should do
a demonstrate or an experiment. Grades 9-12 should do an
Pick a project that is interesting and one you can do. "How can I
save the dolphins?" is not a do-able project in an Interior
Athabascan village. Pick something that you can observe or test in
your home village. "Do the trees on the hills always turn black just
before the weather warms up in the winter?" That is do-able. Why did
our ancestors have fringes on their buckskin clothing. That is
Studying and experimenting with the material in snowmachine tracks
is an easy one in the village. It is do-able.
Test which tastes better: campfire coffee, percolated coffee, or
filtered coffee. That is do-able.
"Lunar landings" is not do-able. Pick something you can
get your
hands on, observe, test, and prove.
A student said, "I want to do thunder." I said, "How do you do
thunder?'" You might study thunder in a library, but that is a
library project, not a science project. How would you make thunder
and test it?
There are many suggested projects in this part of the book, some
of which have never been done before. The results will surprise
As you start on your project, a new question might arise that
seems more interesting than the one you started with. It's okay to
change your project once, but students who change twice or change too
late are not ready on the day of the science fair. If you think of a
new topic late in your current project, save it for next year. You'll
need a project then too.
There are many sources for science project ideas.
Your Own Imagination.
Your own imagination and curiosity are the best source of projects
and ideas. If you work on a question that has arisen in your life,
your interest and energy level will be high. Why does the water spray
your back when you have no rear tire guard on your bicycle? Why do
unripe blueberries give you a stomach ache?
Brainstorm (bubble) with your classmates about things people your
age are interested in. Write everything down. From one of these
bubbling sessions someone got the idea to experiment on the signals
given by a TV remote control. Do the signals go through pillows? Do
they bounce off or go through walls? How far do they travel?
Village People
Ask questions of people in your village. Do outboard motors
go faster after dark or is that a trick our eyes play on us? There
are many things the Elders know that are worthy of testing. Their
knowledge has come from generations of scientific observation. Most
villages have someone who is an "expert" in what we are interested
in. Go to that person and ask questions. Someone knows guns better
than others. Someone knows tanning better than others. Someone knows
winter travel better than others. Local Elders are the best
Teachers and Books
Books have suggestions. Teachers do too. However, the ideas must
perk your interest. This book is full of Alaska science ideas and
projects. Perhaps a few will excite you. Libraries, magazines, and
internet have many answers, but are usually lacking in traditional
Alaska information.
There is a big difference between a library report and a science
project. Science projects involve doing. Do library research
about your project, but find a project you can get your hands on and
do some discovery.
Find something you would like to collect. Often collections
are more fun when they are done by teams. See the suggestions for
collections for ideas, but you should pick something you are
interested in. It takes time to make a good collection. Don't wait
until the last minute. Plan ahead so you don't rush.
Start your collection. Keep your samples in a safe place.
Do they need to be dry? Damp? Frozen?
Record where you got each one from and when you got it.
Organize your collection. How does the collection make
sense to you? You might organize the samples by type, by color, in
the order that you found them, by location that you found them, etc.
There are many ways to organize a collection. Can you later add to
your collection without disorganizing it?
Look closely at your samples. Look at them under a
magnifying glass. Look at them from all angles. Do you want to weigh
them? Measure them?
How will you display the collection? How will you store
it again
after showing it to others?
Decide how to present your collection. If you are
going to
enter your collection in a science fair, see the judges scoring
rubric in the appendix following the section on "Culturally Relevant
Science Fairs". The judges will use a scoring sheet something like
this one. Can you change your collection in any way to score higher?
If you are entering a science fair, you might want to organize your
poster to look something like the one below.
If you can't keep your samples for long, be sure to take
Choose a demonstration of something you are interested in.
Demonstrations can be done by teams. If you will be part of a team,
pick team members who will work as hard as you do.
Once you have chosen something to demonstrate, find out as
much about it as you can. Talk to Elders and local experts who know
about it. Don't wait until the last minute. Start early. Good
information doesn't come quickly. Think about your demonstration.
Try many ways of doing the demonstration. Try different
materials. Try different methods. Try different sizes at different
times. Is there a traditional way and a modern way to do the same
thing? Explore what you are doing in every way you can think of.
Be sure a teacher says the demonstration is safe and a
local Elder says the project is okay for your village.
With teacher help, find the science principles involved
your project.
Study those principles. Do you see them working
in other
places in your community?
Look at the judges scoring rubric in the appendix. Is there
anything you can do to your project to make it score higher with the

Make a poster board. Your poster might follow the form
above. Make it attractive.
If your demonstration is safe enough to show in the science fair,
decide how you will show it to people. Will you allow them to
try it? Will you let the judges try it? Will you do the
demonstration, show only the results, make a model, make a video, or
have pictures?
Pick an experiment that you are interested in and
that is
Ask a question about your project. This is the main
of your experiment. What are you trying to find out? What are you
curious about? Start with one big question, not two or three. "What
kind of set is best for marten: pole or cubby?" "Which local natural
plant is most effective for curing infections?" "Why do air holes
form on certain lakes even during cold weather?"
Make a guess what you think is right. How do you think the
experiment will turn out? This is your hypothesis.
"I think the smoke goes up the stovepipe because warm air is
lighter than cold air, and the smoke is warm." "I think the green net
catches more fish because the fish can't see it in the water of the
Plan a fair test to see if your hypothesis is right. Do the
test one way then another. Perhaps you will test which shape of canoe
paddle is the quietest for hunting. Get two paddles of different
shapes and paddle in identical ways with the only variable being the
type of paddle. Perhaps you will test which type of skin is more
durable for mukluk bottoms: moose or seal. Make mukluks with one
bottom of moose and the other one of seal. Wear them for two or three
months. Compare the wear.
Record on paper what the results are. Observe, measure,
weigh, time, etc. This is your data sheet. You might want to show
your data in a graph so people can get a picture of your results.
Make a materials list. What materials did you use
in this
Come to a conclusion. Was your hypothesis right or wrong?
Why? How could you perform the experiment again to get a more
accurate result. What did you learn? Do you want to take the
experiment farther? Have new questions risen? What are the village
applications of your findings? Remember, many science projects have
won science fairs with a failed hypothesis.
There are many suggestions for experiments included in this
Finding and Developing
a Science Fair Project
Decide which kind of project you will
ideas for a project
to your local sources
a Find a project
that is interesting
a Find out about
your project from local Elders and experts
a Start your
a Organize your
a Look closely at
your samples
a Decide how to
present your collection, including an attractive
a Choose a skill or
activity you are interested in
a Find out as much
as you can about your project. Go to local Elders
and experts
a Be sure the
project is safe and culturally appropriate
a Try many ways of
doing the demonstration
a Find the
scientific principles involved in your
a Study those
a Look at judges
scoring rubric. Improve your project
a Decide how you
will present the demonstration to the judges and
a Make an
attractive poster and display
a Pick an
experiment that is interesting and do-able
a Ask a clear
question about your topic. Go to Elders and local
a Make a good guess
what the answer is. This is your hypothesis
a Plan a fair test
to see if your hypothesis is correct
a Record the
results. This is your data
a Make a materials
list that shows what you used to do the
a Come to a
conclusion. Was your hypothesis correct or not?
a Plan your
presentation including an attractive poster